A Game of Bots
You were idly scrolling through your Phesbook feed one morning when you discovered an ongoing event ...
Road Minister Techboy
Techboy is appointed as the minister of roads and highway in his country Better-Not-Name-It. Now he ...
Shortest Path?
Given an unweighted, undirected and connected graph consists of $N$ nodes numbered from $1$ to $N$. ...
Gold Mines
The city of gridland is a grid with n rows and m columns. The city can be divided into n*m cells. A ...
DFS, Graph Moderate 53/68/260
Yet Another XOR Problem
Given a rooted tree with N nodes where each node has a value, find a pair of nodes (u, v) so that u ...
Wakanda Forever
We all know that Thanos has erased half of the population of the universe. Earth’s population was al...
Reverse The Magic
You are probably familiar with the technique of representing a Tree as an array of integers using Eu...
Darth Vader and 3PO on a Tree!
Did you watch Star Wars yet? No? You should in your free time. Now back to Darth Vader and 3PO. Dart...
Milad's Lost Tree
Milad likes trees so much. He has a rooted tree with $n$ vertices each of which has some non-negativ...
Scary Tree
Recently Alex has been learning about the tree data structure. And, he has been struggling to write ...
Christmas Tree
Professor Rio has an amazing Christmas tree. Unlike other trees, this Christmas tree has some specia...
The Archipelago of Mirpur
The archipelago of Mirpur consists of N islands. The famous architect PogPog was hired to connect al...
Poltu and Graph
Poltu has got a graph with N nodes and M edges. Every edge has a weight. There can be multiple edges...
Life Saving Algorithm
Recently flood has vastly affected some regions of the country. So many people are helpless and suff...
Efficient Construction on Mars
Elon Musk has constructed N cities numbered from 0 to N−1 on Mars. He initially planned to construct...
Memes vs. Social Media
In this era of modern technology social media is the most powerful weapon and the viral issue is the...
Change Queries
Today is a very special day for Rubel. Recently he got a job in a software company. Now today is the...
City of Atlantis
Have you ever heard of The Atlantis City? It’s a Greek mythological city. Its existence doesn’t matt...
Circuit Breaker
In your free time, you like to design various electrical circuits to give a hard time to your local ...
You probably heard the name of 'Kababdesh', where people are very fond of kababs. Everyone live ther...
Zico is a fan of Artificial Intelligence (AI). So he is doing a course on AI and even likes the teac...
Playing On A Directed Graph
You are given a directed graph consisting of n vertices and m edges (each edge is directed, so it ca...
Color The Graph
You are given an acyclic, bidirectional graph with N nodes and M edges. The nodes are numbered from ...
Hasinur's Mission!
Let me tell you something about Hasinur: He is a religious person. He prays 5 times a day. He loves...
Help to Be Happy
A country named Mueawin has one or more villages and one or more people live in every village. Two p...
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