Simple And
You are given a tree containing $N$ nodes. The nodes are numbered from $1$ to $N$. The root node of ...
Sayadpur City
Bob wants to visit a new country called sayadpur. There are N cities (1,2,3,…,N) in sayadpur, and th...
Pretty Diabolical
TRAOMBINNAA is going to be Billy Butcher's base for the next season of the boys. He is going to buil...
XOR Tree
You are given a tree with N vertices. A tree is a connected undirected graph without cycles. The tre...
Change Queries
Today is a very special day for Rubel. Recently he got a job in a software company. Now today is the...
Cheap Tourist
The country of Byteland is divided into N provinces numbered from 1 to N. The provinces are connecte...
Your friend has come to visit the RUET campus. As the Mango season goes on ⋯, he/she said “Mama Aam ...
Let’s get straight to the point. You are given a tree. In the tree, each node u has a number au​ ass...
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