Unfair Robot Race
Two teams of robots, Team A and Team B, are racing in a 2D grid. There will be a total of 6 rounds. ...
Robi Kaka's Cube
Our beloved Robi Kaka has invented a cube. You have to solve only one side of this cube – a square o...
Spreadsheet v1
Are you trying to find a problem that is easy to solve? Even if it involves writing a lot of code? T...
Grasshopper and The Ant
In a field one summer's day a grasshopper is hopping about and is coding to its heart's content for ...
Dhoni has a field divided into n×m squares of the same area. The amount of rice at each square will ...
Gopal's Grand Gambit: Tracking Montri's Treachery
We're familiar with Krishnanagar, ruled by King Krishnachandra Roy and his council, including the no...
Spam Me Not
Your team has been tasked to build a section of a web app where users can choose whether and how the...
Escape Room : The Deadly Puzzle Game
Context: An escape room, also known as an escape game or puzzle room, is an immersive challenge wher...
Who Win the Game!!
Two friends, Alice and Bob are participating in a car race. The length of the race track is 1000km. ...
You Are Programmer, You Have No Valentine!
One morning, Rose woke up early, and her husband, Alice, asked what was the matter. She told him, "I...
Stack Overflow
Stack is a basic data structure. Where 3 operations can be done: Push: You can push object to the s...
Sofdor Ali's Magical Blackboard!
Sofdor Ali found interest in mathematics very early in his life. And now, he wants to spread this in...
Version Checker
Java Development Kit (JDK) installer for Mac OS X has a bug: Can you spot it? Notice how Java is ch...
Prisoners of Musabad
In the city of Musabad, criminals are punished heavily. Once an enemy is caught, he is kept in the j...
Simple Operation
Mr. X is a school teacher. He teaches C programming to the students. In every class, he gives some s...
Arya’s Counting
Little Arya has learnt to count the highest and the lowest number recently. She can easily find out ...
Mysterious Sum
Sohel vai reads newspaper every morning. The newspaper he reads contains some good features includin...
Arithmetic Sequence (Easy)
Arithmetic Sequence is a sequence of numbers where the difference between two consecutive numbers ar...
Dominoes Forever
Once when I was little, my father took me to a tobacco shop! It is surprising, but true. He asked th...
Friendship Database
You have created a new social media for testing the irrationality of human behavior. In order to con...
Correct the Sieve
Sieve of Eratosthenes is a fast algorithm for finding prime numbers in larger ranges. According to W...
The Bachelor's Problem
Jony lives in a "Bachelor's house" with some of his friends. You may assume it as a hostel but it do...
Bits Apart
Meet Mr. Kamal. Last week he joined RE University, Sylhet as a lecturer. He completed his B. Sc & M....
Alayna's Adventure Journey
Alayna recently went on her first adventure journey to Dumbulla Safari Park. She enjoyed the bumpy r...
Alayna and Vowels
Alayna loves playing. Every night before going to sleep, she plays different games with Baba. Now Al...
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