Gopal's Grand Gambit: Tracking Montri's Treachery
We're familiar with Krishnanagar, ruled by King Krishnachandra Roy and his council, including the no...
Building the Wall
Building walls around a country has become a popular modern day trend. The emperor of Promiseland of...
Ant Query
Scientists from the planet Krypton have figured out a way to grow artificial sugar in space. They ha...
Flyover in Twinland
Rio has become the president of Twinland. Now he wants to develop his country to fulfill his promise...
Bits Apart
Meet Mr. Kamal. Last week he joined RE University, Sylhet as a lecturer. He completed his B. Sc & M....
Game of Tic-Tac-Toe, Again
Alice and Bob are playing a game of Tic-tac-toe, to be precise a variant of tic-tac-toe called Notak...
The Mughal Emperor
You all must’ve heard the name of the emperor Humayun Mirza. He was a very kind human being. But thi...
Metro Rail Blocks
The city of Dhaka is experiencing the construction of metro rails. Imagine one such metro rail spans...
Tyrant Coder
In the world of Hirok Rajar Deshe, there is a king who is a coder. He has decided that he would make...
Spam Me Not
Your team has been tasked to build a section of a web app where users can choose whether and how the...
Gotta Print 'Em All
Gray has received N documents this morning and he wants to print as many of them as he can within hi...
Byang and The Grid Game
Byang has invented a game he wants to play with his soulmate Byangette during their spare time. The ...
No gossip. In this problem I will just say what to do. Initially, you will be given a bracket sequen...
Mr. Xifu and His New School
After working as a teacher for a long time, Mr. Xifu has finally decided to open a new school of his...
Justified Text
Given a long string of text, you will have to print it following these rules: Replace all consecuti...
Building the Wall 2
The story of walls continue, here's a quick recap: Building walls around a country has become a popu...
Estimation of Techboy
Techboy works in a software company. He codes in Node.js and React. Every now and then he has to giv...
Calendar of Planet Biku
Mr. Hikiko is the emperor of a planet called Biku. He got a gift from planet earth which can count t...
Dhoni has a field divided into n×m squares of the same area. The amount of rice at each square will ...
Power of the Champion
On Eid-Day the king of Mueawin announced an interesting game for the people of his country. The rule...
Hamming Distance
Hamming distance between two binary strings of equal length is the number of mismatches between ever...
Who Win the Game!!
Two friends, Alice and Bob are participating in a car race. The length of the race track is 1000km. ...
Shamsu Vai Angrybird
Great coder SHAMSU VAI lives at a hostel in Zindabazar area and you know there is a huge crisis of w...
Naming Convention
Tony works in a multinational technology company named Voogle LLC. The employees of Voogle follow ce...
Stack Overflow
Stack is a basic data structure. Where 3 operations can be done: Push: You can push object to the s...
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