Find Score
In a programming contest, a participant’s position is determined by 2 things. His score, s, and his ...
Do You Know LIS?
Alam has an array a with n elements a1​,a2​,…,an​ and an integer x. For each i (1≤i≤n−1) index i and...
Some Basic Chords
Where do you start when you want to learn to play guitar? Well learning chords and strumming songs i...
Fun Theory
Let's go for a short statement. n people took part in a disco. To make the disco scarier, each perso...
The Universe Loves Minimum Steps!
Given an array A of N integers. Your task is to make all the integers 0 by performing the following ...
Eeny Meeny
'Eeny meeny miny moe' is a well-known nursery rhyme in English, used (among other things) by kids to...
Basic Calculation
Little Klee had just learned how to do arithmetic operations. She just does operations without follo...
Maze Ball Game
Your friend Yulianna Karaulova, likes to play maze ball game. You are going make a DIY project to bu...
Dilu's Library
Dilu is a young boy who loves mathematics. He recently learned how to code. He was interested in sol...
You Are Programmer, You Have No Valentine!
One morning, Rose woke up early, and her husband, Alice, asked what was the matter. She told him, "I...
Save BPL
Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) is one the most prestigious cricket tournaments. Talented players fr...
Stack Overflow
Stack is a basic data structure. Where 3 operations can be done: Push: You can push object to the s...
Naming Convention
Tony works in a multinational technology company named Voogle LLC. The employees of Voogle follow ce...
Shamsu Vai Angrybird
Great coder SHAMSU VAI lives at a hostel in Zindabazar area and you know there is a huge crisis of w...
Hamming Distance
Hamming distance between two binary strings of equal length is the number of mismatches between ever...
Power of the Champion
On Eid-Day the king of Mueawin announced an interesting game for the people of his country. The rule...
Dhoni has a field divided into n×m squares of the same area. The amount of rice at each square will ...
Calendar of Planet Biku
Mr. Hikiko is the emperor of a planet called Biku. He got a gift from planet earth which can count t...
Estimation of Techboy
Techboy works in a software company. He codes in Node.js and React. Every now and then he has to giv...
Building the Wall 2
The story of walls continue, here's a quick recap: Building walls around a country has become a popu...
Who Win the Game!!
Two friends, Alice and Bob are participating in a car race. The length of the race track is 1000km. ...
Justified Text
Given a long string of text, you will have to print it following these rules: Replace all consecuti...
Mr. Xifu and His New School
After working as a teacher for a long time, Mr. Xifu has finally decided to open a new school of his...
No gossip. In this problem I will just say what to do. Initially, you will be given a bracket sequen...
Byang and The Grid Game
Byang has invented a game he wants to play with his soulmate Byangette during their spare time. The ...
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