Arya’s Counting
Little Arya has learnt to count the highest and the lowest number recently. She can easily find out ...
Simple Operation
Mr. X is a school teacher. He teaches C programming to the students. In every class, he gives some s...
Prisoners of Musabad
In the city of Musabad, criminals are punished heavily. Once an enemy is caught, he is kept in the j...
Dilu's Library
Dilu is a young boy who loves mathematics. He recently learned how to code. He was interested in sol...
Version Checker
Java Development Kit (JDK) installer for Mac OS X has a bug: Can you spot it? Notice how Java is ch...
The Universe Loves Minimum Steps!
Given an array A of N integers. Your task is to make all the integers 0 by performing the following ...
Let's Be an Anagrammatist
Do you know what is an anagram? An anagram is a rearrangement of letters of one word to form another...
Grasshopper and The Ant
In a field one summer's day a grasshopper is hopping about and is coding to its heart's content for ...
Be Like Hasib
Hasib, the famous programmer, uses a little game when he teaches Binary Search to his students. He r...
Sofdar Ali's Next Day
Sofdor Ali goes to Karwan Bazar every Thursday to eat Jilapi! But he often forgets what day is Thurs...
Sofdor Ali's Magical Blackboard!
Sofdor Ali found interest in mathematics very early in his life. And now, he wants to spread this in...
Byang and The Grid Game
Byang has invented a game he wants to play with his soulmate Byangette during their spare time. The ...
Byang's Day Out!
Byang and his little brother Kuno loves Cricket. But they never went to the stadium to watch a match...
Stack Overflow
Stack is a basic data structure. Where 3 operations can be done: Push: You can push object to the s...
No gossip. In this problem I will just say what to do. Initially, you will be given a bracket sequen...
Magic Moments
You are going to a village by bus. You need k hours to do an important task while your bus journey w...
Noman's Birthday
Today is our friend Noman's birthday. For celebration of his birthday, we have already used n baloon...
Zarin is a sadist. She loves to give problems to her close people. Today she gives you an array cons...
Fun Theory
Let's go for a short statement. n people took part in a disco. To make the disco scarier, each perso...
Funmondi Contest!
There is a contest being held on Funmondi named ‘Funmondi Inter School Programming Contest’. You are...
String Game
You have a list of N strings, denoted by A1, A2, ..., AN. Each string consists of lowercase English ...
Is This a Give-Away?
Once there lived an ancient mage named Farabi. He could always give perfect weather forecast. He nev...
Maze Ball Game
Your friend Yulianna Karaulova, likes to play maze ball game. You are going make a DIY project to bu...
National Flag
Today is the 16th December, a red letter day of our national history. The whole country equipped wit...
No Need for Speed
Mr. Baker always wanted to be a race car driver. But failing to reach his dream goal, he started his...
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