Hamming Distance
Hamming distance between two binary strings of equal length is the number of mismatches between ever...
Giving Hashtag in Social Network is very popular now a day. But Poltu is very new in Social Network....
Heavy Alphabet
Lily wants to build a beautiful string. She has been adding alphabets together to make this string. ...
Help Alex Jhon!
Alex Jhon is a very good man in his village. He always helps his neighbors and poor people as much a...
He Who Must Not Be Late
He Who Must Not Be Named, Lord Voldemort, is chasing Harry and Hermione. They have been able to reac...
Hot Hike
In order to pass time during your vacation, you decided to go on a hike to visit a scenic lake up in...
Ice-cream of Montu Mia
Montu Mia is a student of “Omok School”. He likes to eat an icecream everyday. But he also likes to ...
ICPC Is Coming in Hot!
Tanmoy is an ACM ICPC contestant. During practice he came across a problem named ‘OWLLEN’. He has ha...
Identifying Map Tiles
Map websites such as Bing Maps and Google Maps often store their maps as many different image files,...
Identify the Level
Amin and Belal are two friends. Both have good knowledge about graph and tree in data structure part...
I Did Not Do the Assignment
Professor Petr is very angry over some of his students now-a-days for not doing assignment. He wants...
Incompatible Crops
Did you know that certain crops cannot grow next to each other? Given the layout of a field as a gri...
Information Retrieval
When you search in Google or any other search engines, you are provided with a list of links that ar...
Is This a Give-Away?
Once there lived an ancient mage named Farabi. He could always give perfect weather forecast. He nev...
Itsy's Magic Cards
Itsy needs your help with her magic cards. Her magic cards grant her special spider-witch powers. Un...
Jigsaw Puzzle
The class teacher of class 7 gave all the students an assignment. The assignment was to solve a “Jig...
Judging Troubles
The NWERC organisers have decided that they want toimprove the automatic grading of the submissions ...
Justified Text
Given a long string of text, you will have to print it following these rules: Replace all consecuti...
Kingdom of Crisis Continues
The economic crisis continues in our beloved kingdom. The king has asked the data scientists to coll...
Let's Be an Anagrammatist
Do you know what is an anagram? An anagram is a rearrangement of letters of one word to form another...
Let's See!
There is a math wizard in the University of Mathcraft. In the inter-university problem-solving conte...
Life of Decimals
Given any circle, if you divide the circumference of that circle with its diameter, you would always...
Little Subarray Sum
Given an array of N numbers and two indices, determine the sum of the numbers in the array between (...
Love Letters!
Lately Fahim is getting a lot of love letters. A LOT of love letters. Since he is confused about whi...
Everyone knows about the popular coding website " codeforces.com ". It is a rating based programming...
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