Maximum Meetings
I am the boss of my company. I have n employees. The office time of my company starts at 1. Every em...
Subtree MEX
You will be given a balanced binary tree of N nodes. Each of the nodes of the tree will contain a no...
"Avoid touching your face, particularly your eyes, nose or mouth to prevent the virus from entering ...
Stick Game
Shahwat has a stick that has n blocks that are indexed from 1 to n (from first to last). Each block ...
Path Intersection Extended
Do you remember the problem from ICPC Dhaka Regional 2018 named $Path$ $Intersection$ by Md. Imran B...
Birthday Present
Today is problem setter's best friend Jenny’s birthday. Long ago, Jenny, being a very clever girl, a...
Donate Our Department
We are students of CSE, IU. It is very well known that our departmental instruments are not so good....
Subsequence Fight
You are given an array a1​,a2​,…,an​ consisting of n distinct integers and an integer k. You can cho...
Protik and Hill Climbing
Who doesn't want to save a mother? Like everyone,  Protik was finding a way to earn some money (he h...
No Onion, No Cry
-Onions make us cry, don't they? They can make us happy too. -How? -Read the statement carefully! I...
Superman and the Buildings of Dahaka
To end the long-running feud between Superman and Goku fans regarding who's stronger, Zeron has deci...
Birthday of Aliens
On the planet of Royal Royal, a university named Royal University of Engineering and Technology exis...
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