Make More Money
You, the great businessman of TEUB, arrived at ESC land which consists of N cities numbered from 1 t...
Strong Passwords
Mitu had been using the password mitu1997qt on all her online accounts. And sure enough, her account...
Ice-Cream of Montu Mia Again!
Montu Mia is a student of “Omok School”. He likes to eat an ice-cream every day. But he also likes t...
Shuvo Noboborsho!
"Shuvo Noboborsho" is the traditional greeting for Bengalis in the Bengali new year which means "Hap...
Think Inside the Box
Babu Bhai is a student of AUST. He has some favorite numbers. His favorite numbers are those number ...
Compressed String
You are given a string $S$ consisting of lowercase latin letters '$a$' & '$b$' only. Your task is to...
String Is Not That Easy
Let's consider a string S which is obtained by concatenating the non-negative integers from 0 to 102...
Clock Fantasy
One day the author imagined an analog clock with minute and hour arms. The thought was simple: if we...
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