Burger King
Every day, more than 11 million guests visit BURGER KING® restaurants around the world. And they do ...
Make It Big!
You are given a number N (10 ≤ N ≤ 2×109). You have to perform exactly two swap operation. You can c...
Easy Sequence 1
Let’s define an easy sequence F. Where: F(1)=1 F(2X)=F(X)2+1 F(2X+1)=F(X)×F(X+1)+2 Here X is a posit...
Cutting Bamboos
There are $n$ bamboos in a row. Khan the bamboo cutter is going to cut them all one by one. He can d...
You have a backpack that can carry a maximum weight of C. You will also be given a set of items, the...
DP Very Easy 76/96/235
Is It Perfect
Bob has an initial array D of length n . Alice is a good friend of Bob. So Bob challenges Alice to f...
Naughty Subsequence - V2.0
Mahib loves ‘Naughty Subsequence’-s. He will give you an array of characters ara[0,1,...,n-1] that c...
mashfiqur404 DP, DataStructure Very Easy 38/43/96
Counting Murgis
Ever since that wicked thief took away some of her murgis (hens, that is), Meena was ever anxious th...
Osim's Maze
Welcome to Osim's maze! Unfortunately, you are in the maze right now and you want to come outside th...
Given a string s, find the number of subsequence in s which forms the word "NSUPS". A subsequence is...
Game of Tic-Tac-Toe
Alice and Bob is a playing a game of tic-tac-toe, to be precise a variant of tic-tac-toe called Nota...
Unique Relief
Thanos has now figured out how to visit all the houses in the flood-affected area. However, now he h...
Penguins of Madagascar
One day the penguins of Madagascar found a string S... Wait... Wait. Actually the setter of the prob...
Buckets of Water
In Abby's area the water is available in the tap only from 6AM to 8AM. So, Abby thought she would st...
Help Chokro
Pias and Chokro are good friends. Pias's birthday is coming soon. So, Chokro wants to gift Pias an a...
Fivefold Removals
Alice and Bob are playing a simple game on marbles. They have a bucket containing N marbles, and the...
OCD Returns!
This problem author has OCD (obsessive–compulsive disorder). One day his teacher gave him an array o...
Subarray Sum
You are given an array having N integers. You have to select at most K positions in the array and re...
Easy Sequence 2
Let’s define a easy sequence F. Where $ F(1) = 1 $ $ F(2X) = F(X)^2 + 1 $ $ F(2X+1) = F(X) \times F(...
Mix and Merge
You are given an array A of n elements and a constant k. You can perform the following operation on ...
reborn DP Moderate 5/19/83
Paranoid Trading
You have been newly appointed as the accountant of Michael Corleone - the famous mafia boss. Your ta...
Milad's Lost Tree
Milad likes trees so much. He has a rooted tree with $n$ vertices each of which has some non-negativ...
Pathetic Interview II
You all know about the story of Pathetic Interview-I. Today, I am sharing a story of my close friend...
Video Game Pro
Shefin is playing a video game. In this game, there will be $N$ buildings in a row. $i^{th}$ buildin...
This Is Business
“Why brother why…?” “This is Business …” You have started a cupcake factory where two types of cupca...
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