Game of Destruction
You are playing the deadly game Game of Destruction. You will be given a list of integers. In each s...
Poltu and Digit Product
You are given two integer L and R. You have to find the summation of digit product of all number fro...
Judy Hopps , a rookie officer joined Zootopia Police Department. She was fond of working sincerely f...
Move It!
Few of my friends are working on a game called “Move It!”. It's a tile-based game played on an $n\ti...
Without Any Legend
You have two arrays $A_1, A_2, ..., A_N$ and $C_1, C_2, ..., C_N$ of length $N$. Initially for each ...
This Is Business
“Why brother why…?” “This is Business …” You have started a cupcake factory where two types of cupca...
Reverse Hash
Binary strings are strings that can only have 0 or 1 as the characters. The hash value of a string i...
Divisible LCM
You have a sequence a1​, a2​, a3​, …, an​ of n integers and q queries. In each query, you are given ...
Birthday Present?!
As everyone gifts graphs or strings to people on their birthdays, Oyshee’s friends decided to do som...
Switchblade of Thanos
We all know that Thanos “The Mad Titan“ had two adopted daughters, Gamora and Nebula. But did you kn...
Ikri has a binary string s of length n. (each character of s is either 0 or 1) The weight of the bin...
Mix and Merge
You are given an array A of n elements and a constant k. You can perform the following operation on ...
reborn DP Moderate 5/19/83
You have a backpack that can carry a maximum weight of C. You will also be given a set of items, the...
DP Very Easy 76/96/235
Efficient Construction on Mars
Elon Musk has constructed N cities numbered from 0 to N−1 on Mars. He initially planned to construct...
Holy Tree
What is a tree? A tree is a bidirectional connected graph with no cycle. In a tree, we can create ...
On My Way
One fine morning you discovered yourself standing in a maze. The maze can be considered a connected ...
Maximize Sum
You are given two integer arrays A and B of length n and m respectively. You can do the following op...
A Giveaway
Mr. Tom is the head of ICPC world final organizing committee. For the world final, he comes to Dhaka...
Interesting Parenthesis
Parentheses sequence of length 2n is the sequence containing exactly n opening parentheses «(» and e...
Predict The Frequency
Luis was sleeping. He suddenly woke up with three positive integers N, M and X. He told his younger ...
Anina's Christmas Tree
This Christmas Anina and her friends have decided to make some Christmas trees to decorate her town....
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