Memes vs. Social Media
In this era of modern technology social media is the most powerful weapon and the viral issue is the...
Flyover in Twinland
Rio has become the president of Twinland. Now he wants to develop his country to fulfill his promise...
City of Atlantis
Have you ever heard of The Atlantis City? It’s a Greek mythological city. Its existence doesn’t matt...
Adam Young
“It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep 'Cause everything is never as it seems ...
Ghosh vs Datta
About two hundred years ago, a serious dispute evoked between the two neighboring colonies of Khulna...
Ada in Dreamland
Ada is wondering in her dreamland. Her dreamland consists of n spots. She has this weird machine wit...
Circuit Breaker
In your free time, you like to design various electrical circuits to give a hard time to your local ...
Kingdom - Great Roads of Destiny
Shin wants to be the “Great General of the Heaven”. It is his dream. But becoming a “Great General o...
A Game of Bots
You were idly scrolling through your Phesbook feed one morning when you discovered an ongoing event ...
Scary Tree
Recently Alex has been learning about the tree data structure. And, he has been struggling to write ...
Bad XOR 2 (Hard)
So after successfully becoming many people's nightmare, XOR has struck again, this time to haunt you...
The Selection
SUST has n departments numbered from 1 to n where every pair of distinct departments is connected by...
Village Fair 2
There are N houses in a village far away from here. They are numbered from 1 to N. For this problem ...
You have probably heard of the famous board game, Monopoly. According to Wikipedia, in this game, pl...
The Spy Cats
After Max and Alexis's initial plan to conquer the world with kitten armies failed, they started a n...
Counting Friends
Johnny uses a social network called Supernova. Unlike the other social networks, Supernova does not ...
Hasan the Treasure Hunter
Benjamin Gates the treasure hunter opened a coaching center named Khajna Dibo Na where he teaches hi...
T5 Racing
It is high time for the annual T5 racing and your team is planning to win the race. In T5 racing the...
Playing On A Directed Graph
You are given a directed graph consisting of n vertices and m edges (each edge is directed, so it ca...
Your friend has come to visit the RUET campus. As the Mango season goes on ⋯, he/she said “Mama Aam ...
Big Bang Theory
Dr. Sheldon Cooper is working on a project that works on the 2D concept of the universe. In this pro...
Reverse The Magic
You are probably familiar with the technique of representing a Tree as an array of integers using Eu...
War in the Wizarding World
There is a deadly war going on between two countries (Bitland and Byteland) in the wizarding world. ...
Color The Graph
You are given an acyclic, bidirectional graph with N nodes and M edges. The nodes are numbered from ...
Christmas Tree
Professor Rio has an amazing Christmas tree. Unlike other trees, this Christmas tree has some specia...
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