Eet Izz Phet!
A long long time ago, I left the country that was my home and with my head full of brains and shoes ...
Palindromic Naming Convention
In Strangeland, people name their child in a cute way. I'm sure you already know the way by the prob...
Is It A Square?
Shikamaru is the most brilliant student of his class. He is very good at Mathematics. Mr. Asuma is t...
Chikongunia is an epidemic in Dhaka right now. Many people are affected by this. But the problem is,...
Prof. Ying Zang has an affinity for symmetric objects. Perhaps that is why she loves palindromes. So...
Game of Palindromes
In a popular computer game, Game of Palindromes also known as GOP there is a city called Palindesh. ...
Match the Range
Well, I will not waste your time and go straight to the problem. You are given an array A of numbers...
Unique Substrings Query
You will be given a string s of length n. Consider substring s[i,n] (where i is the starting positio...
Palindrome Query I
You are given a string of length L. You have Q queries. In each query, you will be asked to either u...
The Story of Stringland
The king of Stringland is employing an elite force of undercover agents to protect the kingdom from ...
Isomorphic Graph
You are given two connected graphs $G_1$ and $G_2$. Both of the graphs have $N$ vertices and $N$ num...
Freezing Trees
We heard you like trees. But this problem has no relation to trees being frozen. :D You are given a ...
Wavio Palindrome
Palindrome is a string which reads the same from both right to left and left to right. Formally, a s...
Bob is the owner of a shop named "Color Maker". He has 256 types of watercolor in his shop. The type...
Photo Matching
You’ll be given two matrix M1 and M2 and another integer K. The size of both M1 and M2 are N*N and e...
Naming Convention
Tony works in a multinational technology company named Voogle LLC. The employees of Voogle follow ce...
Vox Populi
Asfia's daughter just turned 5. She is looking for a school to get her admitted. Like every other pa...
Race in DomKi
There is a kingdom called DomKi. DomKi has N city and N-1 two-way road. Each city is numbered with 1...
You will be given an array of integers $A$. You have to count the number of $\textbf{subarrays}$ (a ...
Fabby and Her Wedding Dress
You all remember Fabby, the princess of Byteland. People of Byteland are waiting for the biggest cel...
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