Basic Calculation
Little Klee had just learned how to do arithmetic operations. She just does operations without follo...
Kingdom of Crisis Continues
The economic crisis continues in our beloved kingdom. The king has asked the data scientists to coll...
Robi Kaka's Cube
Our beloved Robi Kaka has invented a cube. You have to solve only one side of this cube – a square o...
Expected Values From Bubble Sort
Bubble sort is a sorting algorithm that can sort an array of numbers in increasing order. In each of...
Spreadsheet v1
Are you trying to find a problem that is easy to solve? Even if it involves writing a lot of code? T...
Grid markup is a process, where each of the grid cells is marked with a star symbol *. Your task is ...
File Cleanup
Recently I have noticed that my hard drive was getting filled and it is high time I did some cleanup...
Do You Know LIS?
Alam has an array a with n elements a1​,a2​,…,an​ and an integer x. For each i (1≤i≤n−1) index i and...
Easy Prediction
Alice and Bob have an array a of n integers. They decide to play a game with the array. In one move,...
Find Score
In a programming contest, a participant’s position is determined by 2 things. His score, s, and his ...
Dhoni has a field divided into n×m squares of the same area. The amount of rice at each square will ...
Make More Money
You, the great businessman of TEUB, arrived at ESC land which consists of N cities numbered from 1 t...
Mental Change
Anjan was feeling low for nearly a couple of months. To improve his condition, he decided to track h...
Let’s get straight to the point. You are given a tree. In the tree, each node u has a number au​ ass...
SUM Equals LCM
Given N, print a sequence of N positive integers A1​,A2​,…,AN​ that satisfy the following conditions...
One Ball Many Chocolates
Alice, Bob and Charlie, team ABC have come to the venue of world finals to be inspired by the world ...
Half Measures
The numbers 1,2,3,⋯n (each integer from 1 to n once) are written on a board. In one operation, Jesse...
Can You Help?
Hey, hello! Yes, I am talking to you, whoever is reading this problem statement. I know you are Robi...
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