Christmas Gifts
It's Christmas time! It's the time when Santa brings gift for the children. This year Santa has $K$ ...
LCM Divisible Subsequence
You’ll be given an array of $N$ integers and two more integers $K$ and $M$. You have to find the num...
Beauty of AP
Solving problems is fun in competitive programming, right? So let’s solve a fun task today too :P. 1...
The Story of Two Friends
There are two friends F1 and F2 in a city. They both are student of FCB High School. Also, they resi...
Tom Is a Good Mentor
Today is the first day of the little mouse Jerry at school. Famous mathematician Tom is his teacher....
Fast Co-Prime
Two numbers A and B are called co-prime if the only common positive factor of the two numbers is 1. ...
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