Arshiya's First Code
Arshiya is just three and she already started programming. She has learned how to write loops. Recen...
Absolute Value
You will be given an integer x. The absolute value of x will be within 100. You have to add 1 to x's...
Highschool Mathematics
We do Algebra, Geometry, Matrix, Trigonometry, Calculus, Vector, Permutation - Combination, Probabil...
mashfiqur404 Math 215/297/971
Shiku Being Shiku
Guni Moira, the honest sweet shop owner of CSEmpur has recently learned about the Fibonacci sequence...
Hello Choto Bondhu!
Let's play a game. I will give you a number n. You will have to tell me n2. Okay, it may seem diffic...
Circle of Death
Abir is a school going boy, who loves math. Also, he loves to play with stones. Recently he invented...
The Mughal Emperor
You all must’ve heard the name of the emperor Humayun Mirza. He was a very kind human being. But thi...
Dinner With Aminvai
Aminvai is a famous programmer of the world. He has a lot of fans & followers. Unfortunately, he has...
Mushrur Injured in Singara Blast
Mashrur Hossain, a programmer, came to Bot-toli from GEC yesterday to attend an event organized by t...
PUBG Lover Programmer: The Beginning
Sroud loves to play PUBG and does programming contest. He always thinks about converting gameplay to...
NAC-SAC Game! (Easy)
Akash and Guru are playing an interesting game. They are standing at the two ends of the NAC-SAC bri...
Ashik's Trouble
Ashik is generally a good boy. But recently he has had some trouble with one of his classmates. His ...
Tricky Racer
Talent Bob is a galaxy wide known legend and a racer (in game :P). He always wins races by his trick...
Who Gets the Money!?
Who doesn’t get happy after getting money in the pockets of clothes before washing them? During this...
Counting Matrices
Given a natural number N and a prime p, let’s define a special set Zp​={0,1,2,…,p−1}. Now count the ...
Tricky Ratio
Given the radius (r) of a circle you have to calculate the ratio between the circumference (C) of th...
Black or White
Imagine an infinite chess board. The cell on the bottom-left most corner is labelled (0,0). The cell...
Predict The Frequency
Luis was sleeping. He suddenly woke up with three positive integers N, M and X. He told his younger ...
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