How Many Kids Are in the Circle?
A group of kids are standing in a circle and playing catch the ball. For fair play, they always main...
Wheel Graph
Today we will learn about a special type of graph called Wheel Graph. In the mathematical discipline...
PUBG Lover Programmer: The Beginning
Sroud loves to play PUBG and does programming contest. He always thinks about converting gameplay to...
United State of Koanhali
Koanhali is a strange country. The govt. of Koanhali maintain the marriages of this country. If you ...
Power and Mod
Exponentiation is a mathematical operation, written as b n , involving two numbers, the base b and t...
Divisible by 3
You will be given a string containing digits. You have to say the number of sub strings whose sum is...
NAC-SAC Game! (Easy)
Akash and Guru are playing an interesting game. They are standing at the two ends of the NAC-SAC bri...
Arya and OR
Little Arya loves to play with numbers. She likes to play in different ways with them. One day she s...
Dinner With Aminvai
Aminvai is a famous programmer of the world. He has a lot of fans & followers. Unfortunately, he has...
Your school is going to start a new scholarship program. To apply for this scholarship you have to w...
Combination Lock
Imagine a Combination Lock - If you set the numbers to a preset combination (passcode), the lock wi...
Most Difficult Problem Ever
You are given a function like below: long long F(int A, int B, int C, long long x) { long long res =...
Justify the Invention !
You probably heard of Professor Meiokoyi, a talented scientist. Recently she invented a new solution...
Mushrur Injured in Singara Blast
Mashrur Hossain, a programmer, came to Bot-toli from GEC yesterday to attend an event organized by t...
Weird Subtraction
You are given two integers n and m. You have to subtract m from n until n becomes less than or equal...
NAC-SAC Game! (Hard. Well, Not Really. 😛)
Remember the game played by Akash and Guru on the NAC-SAC bridge? (For those cannot remember, Akash ...
Life of Phi II
You will be given two integers n and m where GCD(n,m)=1. You have to tell that how many numbers are ...
Expected Values From Bubble Sort
Bubble sort is a sorting algorithm that can sort an array of numbers in increasing order. In each of...
Permutations and Divisors
Let P be a permutation of length n where each value from 1 to n occurs exactly once. A subsequence o...
Playing With Your Mind
Given a non-negative integers N. You have to find an integer P such that, the following conditions s...
Learning New Algorithms Every Day
Shak is a new programmer and he knows nothing about algorithms. He has made a plan and decided to le...
The Matrix
In the metaphysical world of the Matrix, different people make their chessboards with their own spec...
Gutibaji on Chessboard
Let there be a chessboard of size N×M, and only one bishop in a cell (x,y). How many cells can the b...
Vox Populi
Asfia's daughter just turned 5. She is looking for a school to get her admitted. Like every other pa...
Erik: The Candyboy - 1
Erik has N candies, and he wants to distribute those candies among his friends. But he has more frie...
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