Read an integer variable and print all of its divisors (including 1 and the number itself).
Big Factorials
Given an integer N, print the trailing 4 digits of N! (N factorial). N!=N×(N−1)×(N−2)×...×1 Here are...
Fibonacci Numbers
Given an integer N, print the N-th Fibonacci number. A Fibonacci series is a series of numbers in wh...
Clock Math
Given a time (hours as H and minutes as M), determine the smaller angle between the two hands of a c...
Leap Years
In the Gregorian calendar, certain years have 366 days instead of 365. In such years, the month of F...
Given the length of a side of a square, calculate and print its area.
Byang's Additions
Byang is learning how to add numbers. However, he gets confused whenever there is a carry. To help B...
Proper Leap Years
Byang's friend was asked to author a programming problem where the challenge was to identify if the ...
Pie Are Squared
Given the radius of a circle, calculate and print its area. The area of a circle can be computed usi...
Math and Watermelons
Your friend has M watermelons. He doesn't want to share them with anyone, but let's imagine he would...
Fair Distribution
Mr. Forhad has X children. One day, on his way home, he bought Y chocolates for his children. He doe...
Missing Number
Given the sum of four numbers and three of those numbers, find the missing number. All four numbers ...
Mixed Fractions
Given an improper fraction (as the numerator $N$ and the denominator $D$), determine and print it in...
Making Friends
Byang is going to join a new school. His new class has N students. Each of the students are identifi...
Thought Game
Sadia is one of the nicest persons you will ever meet. In fact, she is one of those persons who like...
Running Average Again
Given N numbers, read each one, calculate the running average and print it. For example, given the t...
Running Average
Given $N$ numbers, read each one, calculate the running average and print it. For example, given the...
Once Upon a Time in Dhaka
Dhaka is one of the mega cities of Bangladesh. At different times, Dhaka was entitled differently by...
Pascal's Triangle
Given an integer N, print the sum of the Nth row of the Pascal's triangle. In mathematics, Pascal's ...
The Titan
The Titan, a giant ship started its journey on the dark sea. It was going to the North America. On t...
Opera & B2G1
“Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong” Bangladesh is the ho...
Nusrat's Treat
We all know how much Nusrat loves chocolate! She gets a lot of chocolate from her friends and family...
How Many Ways?
Regular problem solvers starts their journey by solving ad hoc and number theory. After getting the ...
Tricky Ratio
Given the radius (r) of a circle you have to calculate the ratio between the circumference (C) of th...
Raem's Square
Raem is an eight years old boy. One day his family was visiting Dhaka Shishu Park near Shahbag. Besi...
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