Circle and Square
Meena and Raju are learning about different shapes. Meena's favourite shape is Circle while Raju lik...
Circle of Death
Abir is a school going boy, who loves math. Also, he loves to play with stones. Recently he invented...
Clock Math
Given a time (hours as H and minutes as M), determine the smaller angle between the two hands of a c...
Cocoa Coalition
Alice and Bob decide to share a chocolate bar, which is an $n$ by $m$ rectangular grid of chocolate ...
Math Moderate 32/43/240
Combination Lock
Imagine a Combination Lock - If you set the numbers to a preset combination (passcode), the lock wi...
Corona Virus Attacked Kittuk
A large number of people are being infected with the Corona virus in Kittuk country. In that situati...
Counting Is Difficult
East West University Computer Programming Club is organizing a programming contest today. One of you...
Counting Matrices
Given a natural number N and a prime p, let’s define a special set Zp​={0,1,2,…,p−1}. Now count the ...
Count the Odds
Sometimes, contestants tend to look for patterns in problem descriptions. They try to figure out the...
Delete the Array
There is an array of size n. You will be given an integer x. In each move you have to subtract x or ...
Demonic Subset
Lets not waste your time with long tiring problem statement and just go straight to the point. You a...
Once upon a time there was a king. He had a huge kingdom and the king was very kind. All of his subj...
Diagonal Traversal
You are given an n×m grid. You can go from point (x1​,y1​) to any point (x2​,y2​) of grid if and onl...
Dinner With Aminvai
Aminvai is a famous programmer of the world. He has a lot of fans & followers. Unfortunately, he has...
Divisible by 3
You will be given a string containing digits. You have to say the number of sub strings whose sum is...
Read an integer variable and print all of its divisors (including 1 and the number itself).
Easy Summation
Little Arya is growing up fast and now she can count the numbers. The problem with her counting is t...
Erik: The Candyboy - 1
Erik has N candies, and he wants to distribute those candies among his friends. But he has more frie...
Expected Values From Bubble Sort
Bubble sort is a sorting algorithm that can sort an array of numbers in increasing order. In each of...
Exponential Growth
You will be given two integers X and N, you have to calculate XN modulo 1000000007.
Fair Distribution
Mr. Forhad has X children. One day, on his way home, he bought Y chocolates for his children. He doe...
Fibonacci Between
Given two numbers L and R, you must print all the Fibonacci numbers between L and R (inclusive). Alt...
Fibonacci Numbers
Given an integer N, print the N-th Fibonacci number. A Fibonacci series is a series of numbers in wh...
Find the Number of Pearls
Today is a very special day. It’s the birthday of only one girlfriend of programmer Shojib. Now, you...
First Snow
One day Tomato woke up late in the morning and realized that she had a long list of todos. Frantical...
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