ACT 1: Ash Counting Trees
Ash Ketchum has a weird rooted tree (read Notes sections if you don't know about tree data structure...
Admission Gift
During admission exams in the city of RR (Royal Royal city), the students of RR University of Engine...
A GRE Themed Contest Problem
Sadman and Najkin were solving a GRE math problem, Rejbah another friend of theirs listened to that ...
A Lack of Common Divisors
Given a positive integer N, determine how many of the integers between 1 and N are co-prime with N. ...
Arko and Special Permutations
Arko is very fond of permutations. He can easily calculate the number of n length permutations. (In ...
Arrange the Bricks!
You have $N$ bricks two dimensional bricks of the dimension $1 \times 2$. The bricks are rotatable i...
Beauty of AP
Solving problems is fun in competitive programming, right? So let’s solve a fun task today too :P. 1...
Birthday Gift for SJ
Today is your best friend SJ’s birthday. You want to buy a birthday present for her. You want to buy...
Birthday Surprise
Adnan bhai, Priyom dada and Shuvo bhai are the members of MU_Kheloars. They recently got graduated a...
Challenging Lover
Greetings to all of you. You must have heard about our star programmer Rafat bhai. One day he went o...
Choice Is Yours
For not participating on contests regularly, Hasnaine (read Has9) has decided to kill Santo. But nob...
Chowdhury Saheb & the Numbers
You like short description of problems? Me too! Let's go to an easy problem. You are given an array ...
Christmas Tree
Professor Rio has an amazing Christmas tree. Unlike other trees, this Christmas tree has some specia...
Complex Tashreef
Tashreef finally received the Zuinness Journal of Galactic records recognition for being the most co...
Composite Facts
Let's define two functions F and S: F(n) = 1 + n! S(n,m) = Sum of first m non-prime integers which ...
Co-Prime Enemy Pair
Two integers A and B are known as co-prime or relatively prime if their greatest common divisor GCD ...
Correct the Sieve
Sieve of Eratosthenes is a fast algorithm for finding prime numbers in larger ranges. According to W...
Walt and Gus have a great rivalry. Recently Gus has developed a cryptographic system. Walt is trying...
Meena is a talented girl in her class. She likes to brainstorm in her leisure times. One day, she wa...
Distribution of Relief
"Please follow all instructions provided by your local health authorities." Due to Coronovirus epide...
Dividing the Gifts
Today is a very good day in CSEmpur because Tuktuki has bought N gifts! Tuktuki wants to give these ...
Divisible LCM
You have a sequence a1​, a2​, a3​, …, an​ of n integers and q queries. In each query, you are given ...
Do you have Arithmophobia ?
Don’t worry! If you are a programmer, you might not have arithmophobia!! But Era has a weird phobia ...
Easy Factorial?
It is time to show your performance on number theory. Why so late? Come to the point. You are given...
Easy Prime!
There are N numbers in an array. You will have Q queries. In each query, you can make 2 operations. ...
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