Love Letter
Mr. A has finally found the love of his life. Being a love expert Mr. P has given Mr. A an idea to w...
In Queue
There are $N$ students in a queue with ID $1, 2, 3, ..., N$ respectively. Each student has some coin...
Eet Izz Phet!
A long long time ago, I left the country that was my home and with my head full of brains and shoes ...
Count the Chaos
Imagine, you have an array of integers of size N. At each index of this array is a unique integer fr...
Russell loves solving math problems and also playing online games. Recently, he has started playing ...
There are n buildings in a row. The height of the i-th building is hi​. You have ৳k. It is the amoun...
Aloyna and Can Buying
Aloyna is a can lover girl and whenever she goes to a shop, she must buy a can to drink. This time s...
Magic Moments
You are going to a village by bus. You need k hours to do an important task while your bus journey w...
Power of Army
Recently Chikanu declared war against Shukanu. To win the battle against Shukanu he wants to form an...
Pythagoras Rocks
A Pythagorean triple consists of three positive integers a, b, and c, such that a2+b2=c2. The Pythag...
Is Anagram
An anagram is a word formed by rearranging the letters of another word. The words "listen" and "sile...
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