Locality-Sensitive Hashing I
According to Wikipedia, Locality-Sensitive hashing (LSH) is an algorithmic technique that hashes sim...
Palindromic Naming Convention
In Strangeland, people name their child in a cute way. I'm sure you already know the way by the prob...
Game of Palindromes
In a popular computer game, Game of Palindromes also known as GOP there is a city called Palindesh. ...
Learning New Algorithms Every Day
Shak is a new programmer and he knows nothing about algorithms. He has made a plan and decided to le...
A substring of string S is another string S' which occurs in string S. For example: S = aaba and one...
The Hidden Island
It is believed that the hidden island of TreasureLand has many unsolved mysteries and undiscovered t...
Who Is the Organizer?
In Sylhet Engineering College a lots of events take place. Some events are oraganized by a single or...
Living on a Prayer
Tommy is an unlucky guy who used to work on the docks. He and his wife Gina are not financially stab...
New Year Couple
The new year 2017 is here. To celebrate the 31st night, Mr Rio has thrown a big party at his house. ...
New Recruitment
Mr. Azad applied for a job. During his interview, the interviewer gave him the following task to sol...
In the year 3333, earthly scientists discovered a massive star has blast in a nearby galaxy. Dangero...
Freezed Standings
Team Depuradores and Team Resolvers represented their university in the ICPC world finals 2021. Depu...
Can You Help?
Hey, hello! Yes, I am talking to you, whoever is reading this problem statement. I know you are Robi...
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