Problems by tanu_RUET

Change in Array
You will be given an array of length N. Then there will be Q queries. Each query will contain four i...
This problem is very easy. As my mood is not so good, I will not elaborate the statement unnecessari...
Bitmask, DP Moderate 9/41/213
Hasinur The Great
Recently Hasinur The Great is dating a girl. Getting inspired from Hasinur's coding skill , she deci...
Moderate 42/85/333
No gossip. In this problem I will just say what to do. Initially, you will be given a bracket sequen...
Video Game
Shefin is playing a game. In this game there are N buildings numbered from 1 to N. Each building has...
DP Moderate 87/101/231
Video Game Pro
Shefin is playing a video game. In this game, there will be $N$ buildings in a row. $i^{th}$ buildin...
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