Who Doesn't Love GCD?
You are given a special array a of length n where every element ai​ is some power of 2. You are aske...
How to Save Money 101
The author has recently joined the software industry. His dev lead, who is also from AUST, has assig...
Master Plan
Because of Eid-ul-Fitr, there is a BIG OFFER at your nearest super shop. You have decided to go shop...
45th ICPC Unsolved Problem!
ICPC is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest in the world. Each year, the I...
In the ICPC regional contest, you have got rejected for the ICPC World Finals contest selection. But...
Three teams from your university competed in the ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional Contest 2021. Sedulous, Re...
Faija loves to do art. She has a graph, which has n rows and m columns. She creates new art every da...
Reverse Hash
Binary strings are strings that can only have 0 or 1 as the characters. The hash value of a string i...
Isn't It Strange?
Cherry isn't feeling well right now as she found a problem that she couldn't solve. So she started t...
Exists or Not Exists
You will be given some numbers. Then there will contain some queries. In every query there will be g...
Ashik's Trouble
Ashik is generally a good boy. But recently he has had some trouble with one of his classmates. His ...
Niko Goes Farming
Niko has completed his degree in CSE from North South University. Now he has been tenaciously lookin...
Subset AND
You are given an array A of n integers and an integer k. You need to find if there is any non-empty ...
Palindromic Naming Convention
In Strangeland, people name their child in a cute way. I'm sure you already know the way by the prob...
Butcher of Vowels
...if I'm to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all. -- Geralt (Th...
Noman's Birthday
Today is our friend Noman's birthday. For celebration of his birthday, we have already used n baloon...
Complex Operations
You are given an array A of length N. You have to perform two different types of operations. In the ...
Elementary Arithmetic
When Shakib was little, his mother used to help him with his studies. Usually, around 7 PM in the ev...
Is It Perfect
Bob has an initial array D of length n . Alice is a good friend of Bob. So Bob challenges Alice to f...
Caesar Cipher
Byang wants to write a secret message to his friend. He has recently discovered Caesar Cipher. Caesa...
Big Factorials
Given an integer N, print the trailing 4 digits of N! (N factorial). N!=N×(N−1)×(N−2)×...×1 Here are...
The Perfect Collection
Given an array A of N integers, if we choose any K of these integers and calculate their bitwise XOR...
Unbelievable Array
You will be given an array A of n integers and q operations. There are two types of operations: 1 x...
Circles in a Rectangle
Two circles are placed inside a rectangle. They do not intersect with each other but they are touchi...
Easy Prime!
There are N numbers in an array. You will have Q queries. In each query, you can make 2 operations. ...
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