AI Will Makes Our Life Easier
Once upon a time, in a world not so different from our own, there was a brilliant computer scientist...
Running Average
Given $N$ numbers, read each one, calculate the running average and print it. For example, given the...
Given N numbers, find the one that is of the highest value and print it.
Running Average Again
Given N numbers, read each one, calculate the running average and print it. For example, given the t...
Mysterious Sum
Sohel vai reads newspaper every morning. The newspaper he reads contains some good features includin...
Eet Izz Phet!
A long long time ago, I left the country that was my home and with my head full of brains and shoes ...
Game of Tic-Tac-Toe
Alice and Bob is a playing a game of tic-tac-toe, to be precise a variant of tic-tac-toe called Nota...
Incompatible Crops
Did you know that certain crops cannot grow next to each other? Given the layout of a field as a gri...
Fibonacci Between
Given two numbers L and R, you must print all the Fibonacci numbers between L and R (inclusive). Alt...
Black or White
Imagine an infinite chess board. The cell on the bottom-left most corner is labelled (0,0). The cell...
StackLang is a stack-based programming language. Here, each program contains a series of commands th...
Fair Distribution
Mr. Forhad has X children. One day, on his way home, he bought Y chocolates for his children. He doe...
Window Seats on a Bus
Karim is traveling by bus. He has the window seat. However, he has to share the window with the pass...
Technology is going ahead very fast. How can we know what will we get in future? One day you met a g...
The Titan
The Titan, a giant ship started its journey on the dark sea. It was going to the North America. On t...
Two Friends
CodeMask and CodeNewtons are two friends. Today they are playing an interesting game. The game invol...
Grid'y Rotations
Consider an M×N grid of numbers and then a series of (r,c) pairs. Each (r,c) pair corresponds to a p...
Easy Peasy Subset Sum
Little Oishee loves to watch TV. But her mother, who is a math teacher, doesn't like this at all. Sh...
Who Win the Game!!
Two friends, Alice and Bob are participating in a car race. The length of the race track is 1000km. ...
There are two cities A and B located in two different time zones. City B is x hours ahead of city A....
pz1971 Moderate 2/2/3
Kinderbijslag (children's allowance) is a social security payment which is distributed to the parent...
Math Very Easy 323/343/600
ICPC Seat-Plan
From different countries and different universities, too many teams are coming to Bangladesh to part...
What Did It Cost?
Mysterio, at the moment before his death he recorded a video on that video he revealed that Peter Pa...
Easy Summation
Little Arya is growing up fast and now she can count the numbers. The problem with her counting is t...
Be Like Hasib
Hasib, the famous programmer, uses a little game when he teaches Binary Search to his students. He r...
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