LazyM versus Arnab
There is a monster called lazyM in Rihamland who is the leader of this land. But another betrayer mo...
Moderate 4/4/8
Shrawan Barsha
Our hero ‘Shrawan’ is in love with a beautiful girl named ‘Barsha’. On the upcoming Valentine Day, h...
Moderate 5/6/16
Bikpik Colony
Bikpiks are very small aliens. Day by day they are becoming very dangerous for human being. They liv...
Tour in Grid
You have a grid with n rows and m columns. Cell at the i-th row and the j-th column is called Cell(i...
Interesting Triplets (Hard)
Niko just learned about tree. Not those give us oxygen but tree from graph theory. After a while, he...
Once Upon A Time In Child Hood
In his childhood Ashiqul Islam was very romantic. One day he saw his childhood crush standing on the...
Moderate 5/5/5
All the Cuts
In a two dimensional plane, there are “R” red points, “B” blue points and “G” green points. These po...
Moderate 4/4/9
Maruo and the Sequence
Maruo has a sequece A = {a1,a2,}. Let us define a function func(A,l,r) which is the minimum...
You will be requested to add a new package with a dependent package name list. If there is no confli...
A Game of Two Coins
There are N players (numbered from 1 to N) sitting around a round table. Player 2 is sitting at the ...
Moderate 16/20/61
Dynamic Tree
You are given a tree containing N vertices. The vertices are numbered from 1 to N. A tree with N ver...
Given two arrays of words (strings) determine how many of the words in the first array are anagrams ...
Moderate 7/7/12
Earn Your Cupcake
A delicious NxN grid is given to you. All the lattice points of this grid contain a cupcake each exc...
Battle of FurfuriNagar
The country FurfuriNagar is famous for the cartoon series Motu Patlu. The peace and furfuriness of t...
Candy Boxes
Mehdi won a million dollars lottery, and not knowing what to do with such big amounts of money, he b...
zobayer Moderate 4/5/12
Water in a Tree
There is a tree consist of N nodes and N−1 edges. The ith node contains Si​ liters of water with a t...
DVD Rental Store
You are the owner of a DVD rental store. There are N customers who want to rent a DVD of ‘The Matrix...
zobayer Moderate 4/4/4
Fight Club Restored
The things you own, end up owning you. It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do a...
Sorting Algorithm
Given an array A with N elements that is sorted in non-decreasing order. You will be given Q queries...
Nirjhor Moderate 4/4/11
Vowels Bad, Consonants Good
You will be given a line of text. The text will contain space separated words. Identify all the word...
Regexp Moderate 7/7/11
Nitu and Her Lucky String
Recently, Nitu has developed a keen interest in solving string-related problems. She possesses a spe...
The Great Sherlock Holmes
We all know how great of a detective Sherlock Holmes is. However, suddenly he's stuck in a rather od...
Amicable Numbers
From Wikipedia: “Amicable numbers are two different numbers so related that the sum of the proper di...
The Lucky Dice
Ray and Evangeline are playing a game named "The Lucky Dice". In this game, each player tosses up an...
Dhoni has a field divided into n×m squares of the same area. The amount of rice at each square will ...
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