Half Measures
The numbers 1,2,3,⋯n (each integer from 1 to n once) are written on a board. In one operation, Jesse...
Predict The Frequency
Luis was sleeping. He suddenly woke up with three positive integers N, M and X. He told his younger ...
Alligator Sky
There are N balls in a box. You have two robots Alice and Bob. You will set favorite number for each...
Argentina Vs Saudi Arabia
Argentina Suffered one of the World Cup’s greatest shocks as Saudi Arabia came from behind to win an...
Mission Top Ten
This year, Bob will participate in the "Take-Off Programming Contest Spring 2023", a prestigious pro...
Time to Prove
Your friend is participating in the "Take-off Programming Contest Spring 2023". This time, he wants ...
In Search of a Friend
Rafi lives in a 2D space. He wants to participate in the “Take-off Programming Contest Spring 2023” ...
There are N posts in a line numbered from 1 to N from left to right. Each post i has a distance di​ ...
You are given a tree with N vertices. Here, a tree is an undirected graph in which any two vertices ...
Peculiar Partitioning II
You are given an array a of length n. Each element of the array is a non-negative integer less than ...
Safwan's Book Bonanza
A grand book fair is taking place in your city, showcasing a dazzling array of books and publication...
The Clash of Tactical Titans: Klopp vs. Ten Hag
In the intense world of football rivalries, where victory and defeat carry immense weight, two icon...
Alice has found an array A containing n non-negative integers, where the i-th element is named Ai​. ...
Invertible Construction
You are given two integers n and k. We define an operation on a r×c binary matrix as follows: Choos...
Realm of Numericon
In the mysterious Realm of Numericon, a group of ancient mathematicians discovered a unique pattern ...
Target Always Next WC
After Watching a devastating World Cup of Bangladesh Cricket Team, Mr. Papon Decided to Start being ...
Anina's Christmas Tree
This Christmas Anina and her friends have decided to make some Christmas trees to decorate her town....
Name Game
React anything on this post. I will give you three names. And you have to comment about them withou...
Missing String
This is an Interactive Problem. The judge has a secret binary string S of length n(1≤n≤1000). You ca...
Doctor Strange in the Circleverse
At the beginning of time, there were only two circles in the circleverse (a universe where everyone ...
Fuel Finance
X Game Studio is working on their next super-hit game. The game is quite simple. The player has a ca...
Buzz Lightyear
Buzz Lightyear (character from famous movie ‘Toy Story’) is done with inter galactic battle and now ...
Weapon Supplier
Zorro is the chief in charge of central space station. He supplies weapons to all other space statio...
Office Para
The streets of Office Para were dark at night because the lamps on the streets weren’t working and t...
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