Now it is time for Intra Aust Programming Contest Fall 2020! Aust CSE 40th Batch is organizing the c...
edge555 Very Hard 15/15/22
Same Parity Split
A tree is a connected graph without a cycle. Given an undirected tree with n nodes labeled from 1 to...
Subsegment Search
Galib is the best algorithmist in Bangladesh right now! He challenged Faysal who is also an algorith...
The Power Puff Girls!
You all have heard of the power puff girls. Or maybe you are the next new generation and I am gettin...
Wavio Palindrome
Palindrome is a string which reads the same from both right to left and left to right. Formally, a s...
Shreas has created a new revolutionary hashing function that calculates hash values of graphs. For a...
Taofiq the House Prefect
Tomorrow is a very special day for Taofiq. He is participating in an intra school quiz contest. As h...
Practice Time
As you know many IUPC's are knocking at the door and Jak realized he should do more practice of solv...
Very Hard 83/87/150
European Rover Challenge!
The European Rover Challenge (ERC) Space and Robotics Event is a prestigious space-robotics event co...
SilentG Very Hard 19/21/47
Yet Another XOR Problem
You are given an integer array a of size n. You need to select an integer K(0≤K<231) and perform the...
Who Win the Game!!
Two friends, Alice and Bob are participating in a car race. The length of the race track is 1000km. ...
You Are Programmer, You Have No Valentine!
One morning, Rose woke up early, and her husband, Alice, asked what was the matter. She told him, "I...
Attacking Drones
Bytelandian air force has designed a new weapon system. It is similar to a drone but instead of shoo...
Biking Duck
Gladstone Gander is walking through Duck-burg and needs to get to his date with Daisy Duck as soon a...
Digi Comp II
The Digi Comp II is a machine where balls enter from the top and find their way to the bot-tom via a...
Lukáš really likes orienteering, a sport that requires locating control points in rough terrain. To ...
Better Productivity
ACME Inc. is reorganizing their factory, in order to maximize their productivity of useless trinkets...
Cleaning Pipes
Linköping has a quite complex water transport system.Around Linköping there are several wells from w...
Flight Plan Evaluation
When flying between two places, constructing a good flight plan is important. In general there is a ...
Hole in One
Janine recently went to her local game store and bought “Hole in One”, a new mini-golf game for her ...
Fashion Show
The CSE Fest of XYZ University of Engineering and Technology is drawing near! As one of the events o...
An Arithmetic Problem
A sequence is an arithmetic sequence if every two successive number has same difference. Suppose thi...
Let me tell you a story of a dangerous prison. There were N prisoners in that prison. It is guarante...
Stack Overflow
Stack is a basic data structure. Where 3 operations can be done: Push: You can push object to the s...
Act of Random Kindness (Hard)
Sammy and Meera liked adventures a lot. Once in a while they used to set out adventures. This time t...
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