Formatted Numbers
Read an integer variable and print it in which the digits are separated into groups of three by comm...
Is Palindrome
Given a word, print Yes if it is a palindrome, otherwise No. A palindrome is a word which reads the ...
Clock Math
Given a time (hours as H and minutes as M), determine the smaller angle between the two hands of a c...
Read an integer variable and print all of its divisors (including 1 and the number itself).
Making Friends
Byang is going to join a new school. His new class has N students. Each of the students are identifi...
Is Anagram
An anagram is a word formed by rearranging the letters of another word. The words "listen" and "sile...
Mixed Fractions
Given an improper fraction (as the numerator $N$ and the denominator $D$), determine and print it in...
Is Prime
Given an integer $N$, determine if it is a prime a number. A number is called prime if it is only di...
Fibonacci Numbers
Given an integer N, print the N-th Fibonacci number. A Fibonacci series is a series of numbers in wh...
Incompatible Crops
Did you know that certain crops cannot grow next to each other? Given the layout of a field as a gri...
Leap Years
In the Gregorian calendar, certain years have 366 days instead of 365. In such years, the month of F...
Big Factorials
Given an integer N, print the trailing 4 digits of N! (N factorial). N!=N×(N−1)×(N−2)×...×1 Here are...
Full Pyramid
Given an integer N, print a full pyramid of asterisks. A full pyramid of asterisks of size N has N l...
Pascal's Triangle
Given an integer N, print the sum of the Nth row of the Pascal's triangle. In mathematics, Pascal's ...
That's 1 Minute See You Tomorrow
You may heard the name of Nas Daily, a Facebook page by a travel video blogger Nuseir Yassin. He cre...
Byang's Additions
Byang is learning how to add numbers. However, he gets confused whenever there is a carry. To help B...
Tidy Bits
Read an integer variable, and determine the smallest positive integer that has the same number of 1s...
Decent Arrays
Given N numbers determine if they are in ascending order.
Better Passwords
Byang is creating an account on Toph. He needs your help to create a strong password. Byang will giv...
Weird Sum
Yor are given an array A of size n. You have to make another array B which must be a permutation of ...
A starry night of Keokradong
It's Term Break. Hurray !! Muttaqueen is on a tour with his friends at the peak of Keokradong. Adda,...
Substring Divisibility
The evil problem setter has to set a problem. But he cannot find a good problem to set. After thinki...
Caesar Cipher
Byang wants to write a secret message to his friend. He has recently discovered Caesar Cipher. Caesa...
Little Subarray Sum
Given an array of N numbers and two indices, determine the sum of the numbers in the array between (...
ASCII Progress Bar
In this problem, you need to write a code that prints an ASCII progress bar. In each test case, you ...
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