Dengue Affected Areas
Dengue, the talk of the town of Dhaka this year. So many people suffered from dengue fever and a num...
Bridge Puzzle
There's a famous bridge puzzle, where you have four persons, each with a unique time required to cro...
Problem Setter Crisis
Competitive Programming is very popular in Leading University. There are many great achievements of ...
Playing With BITs
Little boy Tom recently learnt about BIT operation. And he is interested in it. So he himself plays ...
Most houses are not as safe as they could be. Earthquake engineering is an interdisciplinary branch ...
Miguel and His Dream House
Miguel is ready to build his dream house in honor of his great grandfather Hector. There is an Array...
Broken Wall
Alice has built a rectangular wall of N×M squares. The wall is made entirely of rectangular black an...
border Moderate 20/25/74
I Hate Long Description
There are N cities in the country AjobDesh and M one way roads connecting the cities. There lives ex...
Crossword Puzzles
A crossword puzzle is usually a grid of RxC cells. Initially, each cell is either empty or blocked. ...
Admission Gift
During admission exams in the city of RR (Royal Royal city), the students of RR University of Engine...
Love for Mother
Muntasir is a university student. His mother is struggling with 3 blocks in her heart and her condit...
Alternative Subsequence: The Extension
Recall that the sequence b is a subsequence of the sequence a, if b can be derived from a by removin...
Angels and Demons
You are walking at midnight along a road that has N checkpoints numbered from 1 to N from left to ri...
Isomorphic Graph
You are given two connected graphs $G_1$ and $G_2$. Both of the graphs have $N$ vertices and $N$ num...
Cafe 12
There is a restaurant named Cafe 12. They have arranged their seats in two rows, each row consists o...
Batman Needs Your Help!
Hello Batman or Joker fans!! You all know that in the history of movie, one of the smartest villain ...
Can You Help?
Hey, hello! Yes, I am talking to you, whoever is reading this problem statement. I know you are Robi...
In Queue
There are $N$ students in a queue with ID $1, 2, 3, ..., N$ respectively. Each student has some coin...
Funmondi Contest!
There is a contest being held on Funmondi named ‘Funmondi Inter School Programming Contest’. You are...
Optimal Walk
IIKI is in great trouble. In the game called BIIKI, The Hero CIIKI gets power $M$ for per kilometer ...
Life Saving Algorithm
Recently flood has vastly affected some regions of the country. So many people are helpless and suff...
Clickbait is something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hyperlink es...
Let's See!
There is a math wizard in the University of Mathcraft. In the inter-university problem-solving conte...
Jan or Jami
Jan and Jami are playing a game. Initially they have a string (S) consisting of only uppercase lette...
How Hasinur Met His Girlfriends
Hasinur’s love interest is always curious about different strings and their properties. He wants to ...
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