Itsy's Triangles
Itsy went for a walk and found several sticks in the park. She is wondering how many of these sticks...
Moderate 107/149/290
Special Triplets
You will be given an integer X. You have to print any three integers greater than 0 and lesser than ...
Very Easy 466/517/1k
Print the Words
Given a blob of text you will have to determine the following statistics about it: The longest wor...
Moderate 57/98/320
PotatoDB v1.0
You are building a new database software: PotatoDB. PotatoDB is meant to store numbers and handle th...
Same Parity Split
A tree is a connected graph without a cycle. Given an undirected tree with n nodes labeled from 1 to...
Enemy Charlie
Alice and Bob have stopped playing games. They became friends again. They both agreed that M is thei...
Yet Another XOR Problem
You are given an integer array a of size n. You need to select an integer K(0≤K<231) and perform the...
Lazy Division
You are given an array a of length n. You have to perform the following operation on the array q tim...
Distinct Numbers
This is an Interactive Problem. The judge has a secret array A of size n. You can ask the judge at m...
Luffy Will Become the Pirate King
Whitebeard is testing Luffy to see if he can become the Pirate King. Whitebeard has given Luffy thre...
Least Complicated Mind
You are given an array A of N positive integers. You can do the following operation any number of ti...
Tour De Chittagong
The city of Chittagong can be considered a weighted directed acyclic graph (DAG) of n nodes and m ed...
A Moment of Happiness
Solving a problem during a programming contest is always a moment of happiness. During the CUET CSE ...
Hotel Royal
Datta, the great politician, loves parties. He takes all the big shots with him to the most famous r...
Moderate 47/61/149
War of Programmers
Jackal and Bari have started solving problems in Online Judges. And in order to do well, they know t...
Very Easy 86/104/209
Coin Collection (Easy)
Neema and Mouri loves to collect coins. When they get bored, they bring out all of their coins. Usua...
Coin Collection
Neema and Mouri loves to collect coins. When they get bored, they bring out all of their coins. Usua...
Bridge Puzzle
There's a famous bridge puzzle, where you have four persons, each with a unique time required to cro...
Counter Attack
Alice and Bob played Nim for a long time and now they are pissed off after exploring the property of...
Moderate 5/22/57
Special Friends of Two
Let's consider two positive numbers X and Y to be friends if - X and Y have same length and differ ...
Moderate 4/10/42
Batman vs. Ghul
I think you all know the name of Gotham city. Our hero Batman lives there. But a demon called Ra's a...
Moderate 15/38/122
Take It Easy
This is a very simple problem. You will be given a single integer n. You have to print four numbers ...
Hello Regexp
Write a regular expression that will match texts like “Hello {X}” and only output “{X}” (w/o quotes)...
Regexp Moderate 16/18/22
In Brackets
Given a line of text, you have to extract the bit of text enclosed within a pair of brackets. There ...
Regexp Very Hard 14/14/18
Closest Pair
You will be given N pair of coordinates on a 2D space. You will determine distance between the close...
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