That One
In the input you will have an integer n (where n is 1, 2, or 3) followed by 3 words. You will have t...
Odd Screams
You will be given a string with one or more a’s. You have to write a regular expression that matches...
Two Words
Given a line of text (space-separated words), find the first word that appears at least twice in the...
Vowels Bad, Consonants Good
You will be given a line of text. The text will contain space separated words. Identify all the word...
Regexp Moderate 7/7/11
Spreadsheet v1
Are you trying to find a problem that is easy to solve? Even if it involves writing a lot of code? T...
StackLang is a stack-based programming language. Here, each program contains a series of commands th...
Efficient Construction on Mars
Elon Musk has constructed N cities numbered from 0 to N−1 on Mars. He initially planned to construct...
The Assignment
Bolt is working at a prominent company called Icefire. He has been given a task for evaluation. The ...
Holy Tree
What is a tree? A tree is a bidirectional connected graph with no cycle. In a tree, we can create ...
You are given two convex polygons made out of lattice points (integer coordinates). One of them is c...
Diagonal Traversal
You are given an n×m grid. You can go from point (x1​,y1​) to any point (x2​,y2​) of grid if and onl...
Big Tang Theory
Shell Don (Shelly in short) is a theoretical physicist who is claimed to be highly intelligent with ...
Clock Fantasy
One day the author imagined an analog clock with minute and hour arms. The thought was simple: if we...
Order of Digits
You will be given a list L consisting of N non-negative integers in a decimal number system. We all ...
Python Interpreter
Sudipa is learning to code in Python 3 and her best friend Sutapa is teaching her a few things every...
On My Way
One fine morning you discovered yourself standing in a maze. The maze can be considered a connected ...
Maximize Sum
You are given two integer arrays A and B of length n and m respectively. You can do the following op...
Greedy Grid Game
“Uban game world” is an indoor gaming zone. It offers 5 game segments for only one ticket. Today, Al...
GCD, Divisor, Count!
I like short statements and you should too so here's the statement without further ado You are give...
Cardboard Mountains
Alice has been given the responsibility of creating the background of the annual play in her school....
You have a suitcase with length X, width Y and height Z. You also have a very comfortable blanket. I...
45th ICPC Unsolved Problem!
ICPC is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious programming contest in the world. Each year, the I...
Who Is the Champion?
The ICPC traces its roots to 1970 when the first competition was hosted by pioneers of the Alpha Cha...
Opera & B2G1
“Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong” Bangladesh is the ho...
ICPC Seat-Plan
From different countries and different universities, too many teams are coming to Bangladesh to part...
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