Cash Change
You have an unlimited number of cash notes of the following denominations: 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500. G...
Prime Factors
Given an integer N, can you determine its prime factors?
Tricky Ratio
Given the radius (r) of a circle you have to calculate the ratio between the circumference (C) of th...
Grid'y Rotations
Consider an M×N grid of numbers and then a series of (r,c) pairs. Each (r,c) pair corresponds to a p...
Best Place to Arrange Contest
We are going to arrange the 7th CPU CSE programming contest in our department. But to arrange a cont...
Equal Distribution
Subhashis and Bipro participated in many onsite programming contests during their varsity life. From...
Beautiful or Not?
Rakib & Raghib are two friends. One day Rakib gave an array of numbers to Raghib and told him to mak...
There were many robots in a robotics lab. Some robots had very high IQ (IQ means task performance). ...
Let's Permute The String
Mr. Alex is one of the best programmer in your university. He is very interested in string. So, Mr. ...
Prochur Chhuti Lagbe (প্রচুর ছুটি লাগবে)
Nibir is currently working as a software engineer. He has been continuously working for the past few...
Help Tanjiro
Mojan kibutsuji is an evil demon who eats people and can turn people into demon. Tanjiro is a swords...
Network Reach
Shohurephone, the popular telecom company in Swapnodesh has received a lot of backlash over the last...
Most Likely And
Tashdid has a secret array of size n. For each index of the array, he will randomly choose an intege...
Histogram Reordering
You are given an array of integers H, representing the height of the bars of a histogram. The width ...
MEX Dividend
We define MEX Dividend of an array as the smallest positive integer not present in the array which i...
Special Keyboard
Herok, the fastest typist in the world, has a special keyboard. The keyboard only has n different ke...
Average Query
You are given an array s1​,s2​,…,sn​ of length n and an arbitrary integer x. For an array, c1​,c2​,…...
steinum Very Easy 6/9/24
SUM Equals LCM
Given N, print a sequence of N positive integers A1​,A2​,…,AN​ that satisfy the following conditions...
Good Array
An integer array is a good array if we can make the whole array empty by applying the following oper...
Broken Wall
Alice has built a rectangular wall of N×M squares. The wall is made entirely of rectangular black an...
border Moderate 20/25/74
Yet Another Strong Problem
You are given a string str consisting of characters 0 and/or 1 with an arbitrary integer n. Without ...
You are given a sequence a of length n. For an arbitrary number x, f(x) can be defined as the number...
Pass the Parcel
There are n people in a room. They want to play a game called “pass the parcel”. The people are numb...
There's a hidden treasure in a castle. There are n guards protecting the treasure. But the guards ar...
Substring Search
You are given n strings s1​,s2​,s3​,…,sn​ and should process m queries. Each query is described by f...
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