Beshiiiiiii Kore
One day at group-”NDC TOP 100” of Notre Dame College, the ICT teacher gave the a students' a task by...
Best Place to Arrange Contest
We are going to arrange the 7th CPU CSE programming contest in our department. But to arrange a cont...
Better Passwords
Byang is creating an account on Toph. He needs your help to create a strong password. Byang will giv...
Better Productivity
ACME Inc. is reorganizing their factory, in order to maximize their productivity of useless trinkets...
Better Together!
There are N cities and initially 0 roads between them. You are the Civil Engineer (but a programmer ...
Betting Business
You have opened a new betting business. You have decided that you will accept bets on the upcoming C...
Bi-Element Subsequence
You are participating in a game show. In the final round, the host pulls up a large sequence of posi...
Big Bang Theory
Dr. Sheldon Cooper is working on a project that works on the 2D concept of the universe. In this pro...
Big Factorials
Given an integer N, print the trailing 4 digits of N! (N factorial). N!=N×(N−1)×(N−2)×...×1 Here are...
Let, BLCM(a,b) be the smallest positive integer which is divisible by all integers in range [a,b]. G...
You will be given two numbers of 40 digits each. You will have to print the summation of these two n...
Big Tang Theory
Shell Don (Shelly in short) is a theoretical physicist who is claimed to be highly intelligent with ...
Biking Duck
Gladstone Gander is walking through Duck-burg and needs to get to his date with Daisy Duck as soon a...
Bikpik Colony
Bikpiks are very small aliens. Day by day they are becoming very dangerous for human being. They liv...
Binary Game
Alice and Bob love to play with numbers, one day they found an array with $N$ integers consisting of...
Binary Pigeons
There are $N$ pigeons standing one after another in a straight line. There are two kinds of pigeons:...
Binary Rhodium
Xenon is a great alchemist. Recently, he has decided to perform a special type of transmutation. But...
Birthday Gift
Snoopy and Reza are best friends and today is Reza's birthday. Now Snoopy wants to join Reza's birth...
Birthday Gift for SJ
Today is your best friend SJ’s birthday. You want to buy a birthday present for her. You want to buy...
Birthday Gifts
Today is Luke's birthday. Mr. Phil Dunphy (Luke's father) has thrown a birthday party for him and de...
Birthday of Aliens
On the planet of Royal Royal, a university named Royal University of Engineering and Technology exis...
Birthday Present
Today is problem setter's best friend Jenny’s birthday. Long ago, Jenny, being a very clever girl, a...
Birthday Present?!
As everyone gifts graphs or strings to people on their birthdays, Oyshee’s friends decided to do som...
Birthday Surprise
Adnan bhai, Priyom dada and Shuvo bhai are the members of MU_Kheloars. They recently got graduated a...
Biswa and Borhani
Biswa has started Borhani (kind of a soft drink) business recently and made it the new sexy in no ti...
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