Yet Another XOR Problem
Given a rooted tree with N nodes where each node has a value, find a pair of nodes (u, v) so that u ...
Yet Another XOR Problem
You are given an integer array a of size n. You need to select an integer K(0≤K<231) and perform the...
Yet Another XOR Tree Problem
You are given a tree with N nodes. A non-negative weight is assigned to each edge of the tree. Let’s...
Cherry isn't feeling well right now as she found a problem that she couldn't solve. So she started t...
You Are Programmer, You Have No Valentine!
One morning, Rose woke up early, and her husband, Alice, asked what was the matter. She told him, "I...
Your Love for Geometry
You are given a right triangle ABC where angle ABC is the right angle and BD is perpendicular to AD....
You Should Believe Him Now
My friend, Qbaidul claimed again that he can do math. He knows that no one going to believe him this...
You Want Chocolate?
Bear Limak is very much fond of chocolate. His mom wants her son to study hard and develop his skill...
Zacob the Batsman
It's known that Zacob is a reliable batsman of LU CSE Cricket Team. Also as long as he is on the cre...
Zer is a programmer who has a friend named Nir. Nir always shows off how great EEE is. One day Nir c...
ZiGzAg NuMbEr
A number is called a Zig-zag number if the differences between consecutive digits alternate between ...
Zoba the Misleader
Zoba has 3 strings, named S1​, S2​ and S3​. He wanted to make a tough problem for Mihaf with these s...
Judy Hopps , a rookie officer joined Zootopia Police Department. She was fond of working sincerely f...
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