Helping Beksin Jho
Beksin Jho is a very talented boy. Like all of you guys, he also has great interest in programming a...
Sofdor Ali Is in Love
Against all the odds, Sofdor Ali has fallen in love. He wishes to gift the girl the sweetest of subs...
Recursive World!
See following the two recursive functions: C(0) = 0 C(1) = 5 C(K) = C(K-1) + 4 F(0) = 1 F(1) = 2 F(N...
Keep Moving
Balurmath is a city which has N interesting tourist spots, which are connected between themselves by...
Alice in Candyland
Alice came up with a new game. In this game called "Candy Quest", there is a NxN size 2D grid. In ea...
Chord Creation
“One chord is fine. Two chords are pushing it. Three chords and you’re into jazz.” -Lou Reed Do you ...
Guti Khela
Guti Khela is an ancient village game of Bangladesh. This game is played between 2 players by diggin...
Word Blitz!
I am sure you have heard of the famous messenger game Word Blitz! You can play the game with an oppo...
Moderate 2/3/10
How Many Paths?
You are at the top left corner [position (1,1)] of a R×C grid. Your destination is bottom right corn...
The Game of Two
Sharan, the brave boy, is currently standing at the origin (0,0). He is taking part in The Game of T...
Moderate 10/15/40
Panir Niche Rastaa Bhalo
Poltu is a cyclist. He loves commuting by cycle. When he was a kid, often he was cycling in his drea...
Friendship Database
You have created a new social media for testing the irrationality of human behavior. In order to con...
Today is Anik's Birthday. Saad wants to give Anik an array as birthday present. But Anik is afraid o...
Moderate 23/27/55
Expert Programmer
Your dream is to become an expert programmer one day and you are practicing day and night for that d...
Power and Mod
Exponentiation is a mathematical operation, written as b n , involving two numbers, the base b and t...
Again LCS
You are given two permutations of the numbers from 1-N called P1 and P2. You are also given two inte...
Little Bunny and Corns
Little Bunny loves to eat corns. Fortunately, he lives near an abandoned house which has a huge corn...
Smallest Interval
Alice has a collection of N numbers. She would like to place them on a number line. She places each ...
Amicable Numbers
From Wikipedia: “Amicable numbers are two different numbers so related that the sum of the proper di...
Light The Candle
You have N candles of different lengths. For a candle of length L, you can light it for L minutes. N...
An Interesting Game
Stackmatch is a very popular game of Matland. In this game, they uses C types of coins and a stack. ...
K-th DuoPalindrome
Alice likes playing with Palindromes (strings that read the same backward as forward, such as 'madam...
Bikpik Colony
Bikpiks are very small aliens. Day by day they are becoming very dangerous for human being. They liv...
Problematic Problem Setters
A new national level contest will be held next month. So chief judge asked some problem setters to s...
Secret Sorting Order
You will be given a list of words which were sorted based on some unknown ordering among the letters...
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