Keep the Apples
Suppose you have n bags of apples and one type of basket. In each of those baskets, you can keep at ...
Maximum Multiplication
You will be given three integers a, b and k. You can perform one of the following two operations max...
Moderate 156/178/289
Number, Segment, Prefix - All In One (Hard)
Xiao Po is building a validation framework for his current project. He is now stuck with this proble...
nfssdq Moderate 3/5/6
Sundarban Express
Poltu is a fresher KUETian. He recently got admitted into KUET. So, as a fresher he is very excited ...
Moderate 62/91/284
Boss Kauke Gune Na
It was the time of General Aladeen. "Kabir The Boss" was then a little child. On his birthday, Gener...
Interesting Subarray
You will be given an array A of length N and two more integers K and X. You have to find the length ...
Moderate 80/88/173
Trivial Summation
The problem statement is so small. Give you four integers r, a, b, d. Find the summation of all numb...
Poltu In Trouble
Poltu is back again. As he is a fresher in KUET, he is learning new things everyday. He wants to reg...
Moderate 17/18/36
Range Product
Mr. Jack is a Genetic Engineer but he is not good at Mathematics. At this moment, he is facing a mat...
TriCoder Tournament
This year, KUET is hosting the TriCoder tournament. Two other universities have joined this tourname...
Moderate 10/11/15
The Game of Rocks
Alice and Bob have come up with a new game. Bob gives Alice a NxM grid that contains N rows and M co...
Liton : The Professional
According to Wikipedia, Léon: The Professional is a 1994 English-language French action crime thrill...
Moderate 8/9/16
Can You Make It Close
A boy named Poltu is very fond of food. He eats a lot and you can tell so by looking at him. There a...
Moderate 6/40/243
Playing With Your Mind
Given a non-negative integers N. You have to find an integer P such that, the following conditions s...
Darth Vader and 3PO on a Tree!
Did you watch Star Wars yet? No? You should in your free time. Now back to Darth Vader and 3PO. Dart...
Optimistic Parking
N friends are going to market. The shops of the market are located alongside a one-way road. There a...
Remember the Future
You are an alien living in the future. You can move through one time dimension to another time dimen...
Recently you are into eCommerce sites. You sell useless (which you don’t need) stuffs and try to get...
Numbers Tell
You will be given N and M, how many ways we can take two numbers from 1 to N so that their absolute ...
Old Magic!
You: Guess an integer number, but don't tell me. Your friend: Okay! You: Now multiply it by 3. Your ...
Tomato Sauce
Peoples of TomatoLand are fond of tomato sauce. The only company that makes tomato sauce is Crushtom...
Prisoners of Byteland
Mr. X and his best friend Mr. Potato Head are in the middle of a prison, the one and only prison of ...
rumman13 Moderate 6/8/29
Gorgeous Space Station
Doro is the chief commanding officer of two space stations, Mungi and Hanzi. To make both stations g...
Scary Big Chessboard
Our friend Alice got stuck in a big chessboard. The chessboard has N rows and N columns. Some cells ...
Dividing Triangle
You will be given an isosceles right angled triangle. The legs of the triangle have a length of L an...
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