Neat Brackets
Given a sequence of opening and closing parentheses ("(" and ")") you will have to determine if it i...
Set Union
Given two sets of integers, print the set containing the union of the two input sets. For example, g...
Taju Kage Bunshin No Jutsu
Naruto Uzumaki is one of the strongest ninja of RUET (Rasengan University of Ebisu and Tobi), posses...
Easy Prime!
There are N numbers in an array. You will have Q queries. In each query, you can make 2 operations. ...
Hamming Distance
Hamming distance between two binary strings of equal length is the number of mismatches between ever...
Naughty Subsequence - V2.0
Mahib loves ‘Naughty Subsequence’-s. He will give you an array of characters ara[0,1,...,n-1] that c...
mashfiqur404 DP, DataStructure Very Easy 38/43/96
Exists or Not Exists
You will be given some numbers. Then there will contain some queries. In every query there will be g...
Mr Max Count Sum
Mr Max , Mr Sum and Mr Count are three neighbours. They have a common enemy, an old man living in th...
Data Structure
The operations that are performed in a data structure can be categorized into two types: query and u...
Sofdor Ali and Bracket Sequence
Sofdor Ali has invented a new game. He asked his assistant Jong Bahadur ( who happens to be a monkey...
Let's get straight into the problem. In ths problem, here will be multiple test cases. In each test ...
Rio and Inversion
One day Rio was returning home from his university and unfortunately lost his phone on the way. He a...
No gossip. In this problem I will just say what to do. Initially, you will be given a bracket sequen...
Buckets of Water
In Abby's area the water is available in the tap only from 6AM to 8AM. So, Abby thought she would st...
Mario and Princess Peach
The world of Mario can be imagined as 2D grid of $N$ rows and $M$ columns--containing a total of $N ...
Count the Chaos
Imagine, you have an array of integers of size N. At each index of this array is a unique integer fr...
Another Query on String
You are given a string S (of length n) consisting of alphabets only. You need to perform m queries o...
Phi Numbers in Range!
In number theory, Euler’s phi function, denoted as ϕ(n), is an arithmetic function which counts the ...
Subarray Sum
You are given an array having N integers. You have to select at most K positions in the array and re...
Special Pair
Mr. X is an “array pagla” person. He loves doing different types of things with arrays. Today Mr. X ...
Subset of Sequences
You will be given a set of sequences. Each sequence is a list of numbers. Two sequences are K-simila...
Video Game Pro
Shefin is playing a video game. In this game, there will be $N$ buildings in a row. $i^{th}$ buildin...
Dengue Affected Areas
Dengue, the talk of the town of Dhaka this year. So many people suffered from dengue fever and a num...
Most houses are not as safe as they could be. Earthquake engineering is an interdisciplinary branch ...
Tree Queries
You are given a tree of n vertices. Each vertex contains an integer. Vertex 1 is the root of the tre...
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