Tree Queries
You are given a tree of n vertices. Each vertex contains an integer. Vertex 1 is the root of the tre...
Palindrome Query I
You are given a string of length L. You have Q queries. In each query, you will be asked to either u...
Let’s get straight to the point. You are given a tree. In the tree, each node u has a number au​ ass...
C++ Vector Simulation
Array is an important data structure in computer science. It is also very important when it comes fo...
Mr. Hikiko and a Strange Game (Hard)
Mr. Hikiko recently downloaded a strange game on his phone from a store. This game is quite interest...
Do You Know Tree ?
"Stay at least one metre distance from others.” Corona has affected the World as well as Bangladesh....
Find the Good Sequence
Let's say two numbers are called "good" if their difference is at least 2. Similarly, a sequence is ...
Mad Engineer Aksir
Can you imagine? Mad Engineer Aksir finally got the job. His job is to set up toggle switch for a se...
There is a house named Larcana. It is a very weird house. There are exactly N rooms in total and bet...
Poltu and Graph
Poltu has got a graph with N nodes and M edges. Every edge has a weight. There can be multiple edges...
Maintain the Queue
“Ajob Desh” is a strange country. Anyone who wants to buy train tickets need to go to the railway st...
Memes vs. Social Media
In this era of modern technology social media is the most powerful weapon and the viral issue is the...
Police Stations
Recently the government of country S is going to construct some police stations(possibly zero) in so...
City of Atlantis
Have you ever heard of The Atlantis City? It’s a Greek mythological city. Its existence doesn’t matt...
A Super Easy Problem - "Array Query"
Let's get into the problem directly without much description this time :D . You are given an array A...
Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy
Let's consider an array A which is initially empty. We'll perform two types of operation on that arr...
Cut the Rope
Fahim is a rope seller. He has a special tool for cutting ropes. But recently this tool is behaving ...
XOR Tree
You are given a tree with N vertices. A tree is a connected undirected graph without cycles. The tre...
Not As Hard As It Seems
Sakib and Shamim are good friends. As Sakib is a little naughty, every night before exam he disturbs...
United State of Koanhali
Koanhali is a strange country. The govt. of Koanhali maintain the marriages of this country. If you ...
Going Round in Circles
You are given an array of non-negative integers of length n. You have to perform two types of operat...
A substring of string S is another string S' which occurs in string S. For example: S = aaba and one...
Productive Employees
Congratulations on becoming the new boss of "Horizontal Company, branch: Sylhet"! But now you have a...
Five friends A, B, C, D and E has come to a shop to buy crayons for their art project. They need cra...
City of Burgerland
Have you ever heard of The Burgerland City? The city is full of burger shops. You will surely find s...
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