Complex Tashreef
Tashreef finally received the Zuinness Journal of Galactic records recognition for being the most co...
Birthday Present?!
As everyone gifts graphs or strings to people on their birthdays, Oyshee’s friends decided to do som...
Bikpik Colony
Bikpiks are very small aliens. Day by day they are becoming very dangerous for human being. They liv...
Random Graphs
This problem is very easy. There's a graph of $N$ nodes. Each edge $u-v$ ($u >= v ; u = v$ is possib...
Move It!
Few of my friends are working on a game called “Move It!”. It's a tile-based game played on an $n\ti...
Train Hijack
You and your friend Daneliya Tuleshova are planning to hijack a train. Your friend will go inside a...
Jontrona of Liakot
Liakot, the king of Cox's Bazar, is currently in a dire situation. His own younger sister Ayesha is ...
Interesting Pile Game
Turja and Akash are playing an interesting game. Initially a pile of N stones is given to them. Each...
DP Moderate 39/46/125
Efficient Construction on Mars
Elon Musk has constructed N cities numbered from 0 to N−1 on Mars. He initially planned to construct...
Flow on Tree
Mr. Kaboom has recently learned about maximum flow. Now his friend Mr. Taboom gave him this problem....
Gaaner Koli
The protagonists of this problem are two great programmers of a certain institution Omanush and Ordi...
Assigning Workstations
Penelope is part of the admin team of the newly built supercomputer. Her job is to assign work-stati...
Orchid Division
Quido has a square orchard full of various fruit and nut trees. The trees are planted in regular row...
19 February 2020, Unidentified flying object (UFO) has captured student’s attention on top of the CS...
Divisible LCM
You have a sequence a1​, a2​, a3​, …, an​ of n integers and q queries. In each query, you are given ...
Babur Biye
Babu is getting married. Babu's fiancé is a prominent programmer of Bangladesh. She told Babu to sol...
The Game of Rocks
Alice and Bob have come up with a new game. Bob gives Alice a NxM grid that contains N rows and M co...
Reverse Hash
Binary strings are strings that can only have 0 or 1 as the characters. The hash value of a string i...
LCM Divisible Subsequence
You’ll be given an array of $N$ integers and two more integers $K$ and $M$. You have to find the num...
Road Minister Techboy
Techboy is appointed as the minister of roads and highway in his country Better-Not-Name-It. Now he ...
Dominoes Forever
Once when I was little, my father took me to a tobacco shop! It is surprising, but true. He asked th...
Estimation of Techboy
Techboy works in a software company. He codes in Node.js and React. Every now and then he has to giv...
We all know about LIS (Longest Increasing Sub sequence). The task to find the length of the longest ...
Hacker robot Ekupai is trying to hack a supercomputer. He needs a cheat code X to hack this computer...
If you have a Tk 100 in your wallet, what would you do? You might have couple of ways to spend that ...
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