Sticking Pins
You are sticking pins on a 2D board at N given coordinates. However, since you are not very good at ...
The Perfect Collection
Given an array A of N integers, if we choose any K of these integers and calculate their bitwise XOR...
Gaaner Koli
The protagonists of this problem are two great programmers of a certain institution Omanush and Ordi...
The Game of Rocks
Alice and Bob have come up with a new game. Bob gives Alice a NxM grid that contains N rows and M co...
Easy Sequence 2
Let’s define a easy sequence F. Where $ F(1) = 1 $ $ F(2X) = F(X)^2 + 1 $ $ F(2X+1) = F(X) \times F(...
Easy Sequence 1
Let’s define an easy sequence F. Where: F(1)=1 F(2X)=F(X)2+1 F(2X+1)=F(X)×F(X+1)+2 Here X is a posit...
OCD Returns!
This problem author has OCD (obsessive–compulsive disorder). One day his teacher gave him an array o...
You are given N integers. Each integer is square free (i.e. it has no divisor which is a square numb...
Third Dimension
Mr. J wants to learn about combinatorics. He started reading a book on combinatorics and came across...
Polygon Construction (Hard)
Meera in going to picnic with her friends. They are going to have lots of fun. They will be doing va...
Inversions and Goodbye
It's time to say goodbye to CSEmpur, at least for today. And so you wanted to give the citizens of C...
Oishi Teacher and Her Naughty Class
Oishi teacher has returned to her class after the tiffin break. She noticed that some students who r...
Disturbing Students
N students were gathered in front of CSEmpur gate. They wanted to take a tour of the famous CSEmpur ...
Shrink the Array
You have an array of size N which contains positive integers. You can apply the following operation ...
Jontrona of Liakot
Liakot, the king of Cox's Bazar, is currently in a dire situation. His own younger sister Ayesha is ...
A Journey Towards One
Given N. You can perform 3 types of operations: Increase N by 1. Decrease N by 1. Divide N by 2, av...
Find the Good Sequence
Let's say two numbers are called "good" if their difference is at least 2. Similarly, a sequence is ...
Sgt. Laugh
That's it. Sgt. Laugh has had enough. He is determined to end the evil military reign of General Cry...
Lexicographical Smallest String
There is a string $s$ of length $n$ containing lowercase letters and an integer $k$. Among the lette...
Video Game
Shefin is playing a game. In this game there are N buildings numbered from 1 to N. Each building has...
Zarin is a sadist. She loves to give problems to her close people. Today she gives you an array cons...
Do you know what MSIS is? MSIS is the abbreviation for Maximum Sum Increasing Subsequence. It is a s...
Subset AND
You are given an array A of n integers and an integer k. You need to find if there is any non-empty ...
Milad's Lost Tree
Milad likes trees so much. He has a rooted tree with $n$ vertices each of which has some non-negativ...
Permutations and Divisors
Let P be a permutation of length n where each value from 1 to n occurs exactly once. A subsequence o...
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