Happy Sub-Sequence
Recently Alex has participated in a programming contest. He became 1st runner up. He couldn't solve ...
Sofia has just arrived in Bangladesh. Rather asking it some dumb questions, lets give it a maze prob...
Poltu and Interesting Number
Poltu Loves interesting number. So he wants to find this type of number. The definition of an intere...
Switchblade of Thanos
We all know that Thanos “The Mad Titan“ had two adopted daughters, Gamora and Nebula. But did you kn...
Easy Sequence 2
Let’s define a easy sequence F. Where $ F(1) = 1 $ $ F(2X) = F(X)^2 + 1 $ $ F(2X+1) = F(X) \times F(...
Mix and Merge
You are given an array A of n elements and a constant k. You can perform the following operation on ...
reborn DP Moderate 5/19/83
A Giveaway
Mr. Tom is the head of ICPC world final organizing committee. For the world final, he comes to Dhaka...
Game of Tic-Tac-Toe
Alice and Bob is a playing a game of tic-tac-toe, to be precise a variant of tic-tac-toe called Nota...
Holy Tree
What is a tree? A tree is a bidirectional connected graph with no cycle. In a tree, we can create ...
I Hate Combinatorics!
Rick and Morty are being hunted by the galactic government. They ran away to the cell dimension. The...
You have a backpack that can carry a maximum weight of C. You will also be given a set of items, the...
DP Very Easy 75/94/231
Efficient Construction on Mars
Elon Musk has constructed N cities numbered from 0 to N−1 on Mars. He initially planned to construct...
Is This a Give-Away?
Once there lived an ancient mage named Farabi. He could always give perfect weather forecast. He nev...
Maximize Sum
You are given two integer arrays A and B of length n and m respectively. You can do the following op...
Pathetic Interview II
You all know about the story of Pathetic Interview-I. Today, I am sharing a story of my close friend...
Mina and Raju
Everyone know about Mina & Raju. They are siblings as well as good friend. The friend-circle of Mina...
Distinct Permutations
You are given two binary strings A and B. Recall that binary string is a non-empty sequence of chara...
On My Way
One fine morning you discovered yourself standing in a maze. The maze can be considered a connected ...
Predict The Frequency
Luis was sleeping. He suddenly woke up with three positive integers N, M and X. He told his younger ...
Make Strings Great Again!
Do you know what is a sub-sequence? A sub-sequence is a sequence that can be derived from another se...
Anina's Christmas Tree
This Christmas Anina and her friends have decided to make some Christmas trees to decorate her town....
Given a string s, find the number of subsequence in s which forms the word "NSUPS". A subsequence is...
Another Update-Query Problem
You will be given an array A of length N and you will have to perform Q operations on that array. Th...
I Am Good 2.0
I am trying to become a good guy, giving contestants as little pain as possible. So, this problem is...
Polygon Construction (Hard)
Meera in going to picnic with her friends. They are going to have lots of fun. They will be doing va...
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