Zacob the Batsman
It's known that Zacob is a reliable batsman of LU CSE Cricket Team. Also as long as he is on the cre...
Relatively Prime
Given a positive integer N, determine how many of the integers between 1 and N are co-prime with N. ...
Exponential Growth
You will be given two integers X and N, you have to calculate XN modulo 1000000007.
Magic Number
Jack loves to play with numbers. One day, while he was playing with numbers he found something inter...
Rivalry Friends
Ryo and his girlfriend love to think about challenges. One day his girlfriend gave him a challenge t...
Challenging Lover
Greetings to all of you. You must have heard about our star programmer Rafat bhai. One day he went o...
Life of Phi
The Great Khami is learning Number Theory. He is very excited to know that Euler's Totient Function ...
Largest Prime
A positive integer number n is called a prime number, if it is only divisible by 1 and n itself, whe...
Left Prime
Prime numbers are the ones which can only be divided by 1 and the number itself. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 ...
In this problem you will be given two integers a, b. You have to answer if GCD(a,b)+LCM(a,b)=a+b is ...
Correct the Sieve
Sieve of Eratosthenes is a fast algorithm for finding prime numbers in larger ranges. According to W...
Easy Prime!
There are N numbers in an array. You will have Q queries. In each query, you can make 2 operations. ...
For Loop FTW
You are given an integer N which can be represnted as the product of two positive integers. $ N = a_...
N-th Prime
In this problem, you will have to print the n-th prime number. The first few prime numbers are given...
I Did Not Do the Assignment
Professor Petr is very angry over some of his students now-a-days for not doing assignment. He wants...
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