Who Doesn't Love Shorter Strings?
I hope you are not someone who hates longer strings, or fears longer strings like me. Strings can be...
Reyad18 Moderate 3/4/7
The use of the central road in Utopia’s capital has increased by a great value in recent years. So, ...
reborn Moderate 3/7/11
In this problem, you are given a tetrahedron in 3-dimensional space. A tetrahedron is defined as “a ...
Lipsticks From Dubai
Do you know what lipstick is? Well, Lipstick is a cosmetic that applies color, texture, and protecti...
rithyy Moderate 3/4/8
Tour De Chittagong
The city of Chittagong can be considered a weighted directed acyclic graph (DAG) of n nodes and m ed...
Quest for Messi
In the town of Binaryvile, located in Argentina, there was great anticipation as Lionel Messi, the w...
Cold Rainy Night in Stoke
Night is ending. You have just got N points in 2D-coordinate plane in your dream. Wait! Things were ...
Profitable Home
Milk and Mocha want to move to a new house in Coffeeland. They don’t like ugly corners sticking into...
Nirjhor Moderate 3/4/23
Sofdor Ali and Attack Optimization
Tuki and Jha is in the middle of an interplanetary war and their base is under drone attack! They ar...
Grasshopper and The Ant
In a field one summer's day a grasshopper is hopping about and is coding to its heart's content for ...
Master Shifu thinks, besides of being a kung fu master, Xiao Po is a Chinese. So, like his country m...
Moderate 4/5/7
Chemical Reaction
In this problem you will be dealing with chemical reaction. In real life, the simulation of a chemic...
Chor Tintin Tikri
A new land, what we call “chor”, has emerged. Local people have already given it a name “Chor Tintin...
d1xlord Moderate 4/18/65
Perseus and The New Challenge
The life of princess Andromeda, the daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia of Ados, is in dan...
World War in Jupiter
The peaceful days for the people of Jupiter is over. It's world war 3! Mr Drump, the president of Tw...
flash_7 Moderate 4/6/12
Special Friends of Two
Let's consider two positive numbers X and Y to be friends if - X and Y have same length and differ ...
Moderate 4/10/42
Eloa’s Secret
Eloa, the princess of Byteland has a secret. She is obsessed with Alien names. The general conventio...
rumman13 Moderate 4/5/18
Fun With Fraction
Dulal is a school going kid. He is learning basic math right now. Today he has learned about divisio...
Moderate 4/6/10
Cache Cash
You are a software developer in a reputed firm. For a previously written badly optimized module you ...
Moderate 4/7/19
K-th DuoPalindrome
Alice likes playing with Palindromes (strings that read the same backward as forward, such as 'madam...
Breaking Math
The worst of them is Heisenburg, a badass physicist and the ultimate druglord. Walter needs Heisenbu...
ZiGzAg NuMbEr
A number is called a Zig-zag number if the differences between consecutive digits alternate between ...
Password Decryption
Today is 21st December. After 2 days, the Intra AUST Programming Contest will take place.Shibli is i...
LazyM versus Arnab
There is a monster called lazyM in Rihamland who is the leader of this land. But another betrayer mo...
Moderate 4/4/8
Lets walk on grid
You will be given a grid of size N * M. The character of grid is either ‘.’ Or ‘#’. '.' means free l...
Moderate 4/5/9
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