Rational Monkey
There lived a wise monkey in the forest of Amazon. One day he started searching the jungle for banan...
Battle of FurfuriNagar
The country FurfuriNagar is famous for the cartoon series Motu Patlu. The peace and furfuriness of t...
Candy Boxes
Mehdi won a million dollars lottery, and not knowing what to do with such big amounts of money, he b...
zobayer Moderate 4/5/12
Country of Alphabet
In an imaginary galaxy, there is a planet where two Countries are very unique for their Houses. In t...
DVD Rental Store
You are the owner of a DVD rental store. There are N customers who want to rent a DVD of ‘The Matrix...
zobayer Moderate 4/4/4
This Is Business
“Why brother why…?” “This is Business …” You have started a cupcake factory where two types of cupca...
Distinct List
Byteland has a network of n computers that forms a tree structure. A tree is a connected graph that ...
shefin Moderate 4/6/6
Unfair Contest
There is a company that is very famous for arranging unfair contests. They are arranging a new weird...
Object Detection
Object detection is a computer vision technique that is used to identify and locate objects in an im...
You’re planning to start a library for the next n days, where you will rent books to students. Each ...
Adnan And Chess Tournament
Adnan is going to organize a chess tournament. He has invited n players to participate. Each pair of...
Prefix & Suffix Maximization
You are given an array a of n integers. Now, let’s define two variables P and S. Where P is the bitw...
Counting Substrings
You are given a string t, a prefix p, and a suffix s. You have to find the number of distinct substr...
Yet Another Frog Jumping Problem
This is an interactive problem. (If you want to know about interactive problems, click here) There a...
A Giveaway
Mr. Tom is the head of ICPC world final organizing committee. For the world final, he comes to Dhaka...
Count Bridges
You are given an unweighted, undirected, and connected graph consisting of N nodes and M edges. You ...
Sorting Algorithm
Given an array A with N elements that is sorted in non-decreasing order. You will be given Q queries...
Nirjhor Moderate 4/4/11
Regular Brackets
This problem is matching brackets, but with regular expression. Given a set of parenthesis, if they ...
Regexp Moderate 4/7/11
Consonant Chronicles
In the heart of ICPC's code-filled realm, you encountered a cryptic two-dimensional character array ...
Easy Path
After performing so badly in the World Cup, Mushfiq left cricket and started problem solving. You to...
Looks Like Giveway ?
This Problem is very straightforward. Let’s define a function InvCnt(p) where p is a permutation of ...
Anina’s Birthday Gift
Anina is a girl who is very much interested in mathematics. She likes to solve Geometry and Counting...
Angry Mamu
We all little brothers of Sohel vai are now gathered in a party at his home. “Mamu”, the most popula...
The Wall
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there lived two groups of people named Stormtroopers and ...
Different Standings
The 2016 Olympic Games is over, but in a planet far away from earth, there is a similar competition ...
Moderate 5/5/14
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