Missing Order
It's IIKI's birthday today. He got a function called INSERTER as a gift from OIIKI, one of his mathe...
Back to Back
You will be given an array $A$ of size $N$ and $Q$ queries. The queries will be given in the followi...
msabeer Moderate 5/6/28
I Dont Like Polynomial
Given a k degree polynomial P(x)=∑i=0k​ai​xi (0≤ai​≤7) and f(n)=“number of such polynomial so that ...
Cherry isn't feeling well right now as she found a problem that she couldn't solve. So she started t...
Protik and Hill Climbing
Who doesn't want to save a mother? Like everyone,  Protik was finding a way to earn some money (he h...
Shopping Mania
Shapla and Jui have entered the final round of Shopping Mania, an annual shopping game played by two...
Europe Tour
We, the members of CUET_Sapphire decided to have a tour in Europe. There are many countries in Europ...
Who doesn’t love board games? During this COVID lockdown, we all are bored at home and need to enter...
pinanzo Moderate 5/5/5
Perhaps Strings Are Inevitable
Strings are inevitable in life. They give meaning to our expressions. Strings come in life in many w...
Hasinur_ Moderate 5/6/32
Subsequence Fight
You are given an array a1​,a2​,…,an​ consisting of n distinct integers and an integer k. You can cho...
Prime Divisor on Tree Path
You are given a permutation of P numbers which are 1 to P and a tree with N nodes each node having a...
Chop Chop
There is a convex polygon A of n vertices and you want to divide it into two convex polygons P and Q...
reborn Moderate 5/9/42
Mix and Merge
You are given an array A of n elements and a constant k. You can perform the following operation on ...
reborn DP Moderate 5/19/83
Most Likely And
Tashdid has a secret array of size n. For each index of the array, he will randomly choose an intege...
Freezed Standings
Team Depuradores and Team Resolvers represented their university in the ICPC world finals 2021. Depu...
Aliban Vs AI
Uban and Aliban are 2nd year undergraduate students. Uban is a newbie sport programmer, whereas Alib...
The Great Sherlock Holmes
We all know how great of a detective Sherlock Holmes is. However, suddenly he's stuck in a rather od...
Byang of Interest
Byang is the most famous detective of Dhaka City. He has just received a secret document regarding h...
Bad Boy Ekhlas
Ekhlas is a bad boy, not the type of bad that you generally admire. When he was little, his primary ...
Beautiful String
You are given a binary string S of length N, and a value K. You need to find a maximum length of a b...
Moderate 6/8/43
Can You Make It Close
A boy named Poltu is very fond of food. He eats a lot and you can tell so by looking at him. There a...
Moderate 6/40/243
Darun Akta Counter
Moeen lives in a home section or blocks with 100 floors numbered from 0 to 99. The home has an eleva...
Moderate 6/9/15
Outliers !!!
You all know the famous scientist professor Shonku. He needs your earnest help to analyze the result...
Tomato Sauce
Peoples of TomatoLand are fond of tomato sauce. The only company that makes tomato sauce is Crushtom...
Prisoners of Byteland
Mr. X and his best friend Mr. Potato Head are in the middle of a prison, the one and only prison of ...
rumman13 Moderate 6/8/29
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