Unique String
There are 3 types of letters available. They are A, B and C. You are given the frequencies of them. ...
Unique Substrings Query
You will be given a string s of length n. Consider substring s[i,n] (where i is the starting positio...
United State of Koanhali
Koanhali is a strange country. The govt. of Koanhali maintain the marriages of this country. If you ...
In this problem, you are given a tetrahedron in 3-dimensional space. A tetrahedron is defined as “a ...
Up You Go
Arya is taking part in a game of throwing marbles upwards. There are n participants in this game in ...
imAnik Moderate 8/14/79
You all may hear about the USS (United States of Santosh). There is an office in the USS that consis...
Vaccination in BDesh
BDesh is a very peaceful country with a smaller population. Recently a Spider Demon with a dangerous...
Value Assignment Problem 2
You will be given a Tree and an array D. You will have to assign values in each node in the tree (sa...
Version Checker
Java Development Kit (JDK) installer for Mac OS X has a bug: Can you spot it? Notice how Java is ch...
Very Dirty String
Strings are difficult, most of the contest programmers say this and try to avoid string algorithms. ...
Very Easy Geometry
In geometry, an isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two sides of equal length. Sometimes it is...
Moderate 92/100/234
Very Simple
NOD(X) is the number of divisors of X. For example, NOD(10) is 4. 10 has 4 divisors: 1, 2, 5, and 10...
Victory Day
Today is 16th December, 2017. 46 years ago on this day we earned freedom. Every freedom comes up wit...
Victory Robot
Your school is going to arrange a ceremony to celebrate the upcoming victory day. So the high school...
Video Game
Shefin is playing a game. In this game there are N buildings numbered from 1 to N. Each building has...
Video Game Pro
Shefin is playing a video game. In this game, there will be $N$ buildings in a row. $i^{th}$ buildin...
Village Fair 2
There are N houses in a village far away from here. They are numbered from 1 to N. For this problem ...
Vowels Bad, Consonants Good
You will be given a line of text. The text will contain space separated words. Identify all the word...
Regexp Moderate 7/7/11
Vox Populi
Asfia's daughter just turned 5. She is looking for a school to get her admitted. Like every other pa...
Wakanda Forever
We all know that Thanos has erased half of the population of the universe. Earth’s population was al...
Walking Down The Road
There is an M meter long road with the leftmost point of the road being the 0 meter point and the ri...
Walk Less
You live in a city which consists of N points. The points are numbered from 1 to n. The distance bet...
Walk on the Grid
There is a grid of size $R\times C$ where $R = $ Number of rows and $C = $ Number of columns. You sh...
War in the Wizarding World
There is a deadly war going on between two countries (Bitland and Byteland) in the wizarding world. ...
War of Kingdoms
There is a country named WARLAND. It is a big country, so it is divided into N kingdoms. Each kingdo...
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