War of Programmers
Jackal and Bari have started solving problems in Online Judges. And in order to do well, they know t...
Very Easy 86/104/209
Dhoni has 3 types of water bottles. He has exactly a bottles of volume 0.5 liters, b bottles of volu...
Water Bottle Buying
Toukir is new in Dhaka and he just arrived today. He got a chance to study at Notre Dame College. Af...
Bob is the owner of a shop named "Color Maker". He has 256 types of watercolor in his shop. The type...
Water in a Tree
There is a tree consist of N nodes and N−1 edges. The ith node contains Si​ liters of water with a t...
Water Project of Black Iceland
Black Iceland is one of the largest populated city in this world. Due to pollution and scarcity of p...
Wavio Palindrome
Palindrome is a string which reads the same from both right to left and left to right. Formally, a s...
Weapon Supplier
Zorro is the chief in charge of central space station. He supplies weapons to all other space statio...
Weather Report
Santu is a newcomer in Rangpur. He is having trouble adjusting with the strange weather of Rangpur. ...
Wedding Day
Finally, Mr. Akela is getting married. He is very happy. His house is completely decorated with ligh...
Weird Cake
A sphere-shaped cake is cut down with two parallel planes which gives three pieces of cake. The heig...
Weird Graph
Anik got a directed acyclic graph with some weird properties. For Every node v of that graph in(v)≤1...
Weird Subtraction
You are given two integers n and m. You have to subtract m from n until n becomes less than or equal...
Weird Sum
Yor are given an array A of size n. You have to make another array B which must be a permutation of ...
Welcome to Criterion Rounds
The team congratulates you for participating in this contest and for being part of the journey towar...
What Did It Cost?
Mysterio, at the moment before his death he recorded a video on that video he revealed that Peter Pa...
What Is the Time?
Rihan has an analog clock with no numbers 1,2,...,12, or any indicator that can tell what the time i...
Moderate 15/46/59
What's Your ID?
You must have heard the name of Metropolitan University. As soon as a student gets admitted there, t...
Wheel Graph
Today we will learn about a special type of graph called Wheel Graph. In the mathematical discipline...
Where Do Lovers Go?
Cherry isn't feeling well right now as she found a problem that she couldn't solve. So she started t...
Where is the Ghost
The ghost exploration team find some 1D coordinate where the cursed object is located. You will be g...
Which Century
We all know that a century is a period of one hundred years. And we also know that from 1801 to 1900...
Which One Is Larger?
You will be given two integers l and r where l ≤ r. There are three functions named F0, F1 and F2. T...
S_Rifat Moderate 7/18/81
Who Ate the Pizza Slices?
Misty’s life is very dramatic. No matter how careful she is, some interesting and sometimes unfortun...
Who Doesn't Love Shorter Strings?
I hope you are not someone who hates longer strings, or fears longer strings like me. Strings can be...
Reyad18 Moderate 3/4/7
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