Wheel Graph
Today we will learn about a special type of graph called Wheel Graph. In the mathematical discipline...
Meera and Solo Chocolates
Meera bought candies from the store. She is now going to distribute those among her N friends. She m...
Level Up
You are playing a game that has 16 levels. You start with level 1 and after gaining a certain amount...
Wizard Duel
Wizard Duel is approaching soon in Hogwarts and the students of the Dueling Club are absolutely thri...
Game of Palindromes
In a popular computer game, Game of Palindromes also known as GOP there is a city called Palindesh. ...
Little T2 and Dead Cats
The planet earth has become peaceful again because all the cats are dead. An evil robot named Xorged...
Sofdor Ali and the Puzzle of Weights
Sofdor Ali is one of the most famous scientists of Bangladesh. He is also well known for his puzzle ...
There is a house named Larcana. It is a very weird house. There are exactly N rooms in total and bet...
Magic Number Count
Magic number is an integer number, which is only divisible by itself and total number of divisor wil...
Welcome to Criterion Rounds
The team congratulates you for participating in this contest and for being part of the journey towar...
N Factorial!
I like short descriptions and I think you so too. Let's say you have a number, N. Now try to find th...
Challenge From Mr. Professor
One Day Mr. Professor was taking His schedule class on Discrete Mathematics. In this lecture, He was...
Combination Lock
Imagine a Combination Lock - If you set the numbers to a preset combination (passcode), the lock wi...
Learning New Algorithms Every Day
Shak is a new programmer and he knows nothing about algorithms. He has made a plan and decided to le...
I Hate Combinatorics!
Rick and Morty are being hunted by the galactic government. They ran away to the cell dimension. The...
How Many Pairs of LCM?
A Common Multiple of two integers a and b is an integer X, such that both a and b divides X. A numbe...
Chowdhury Saheb & the Numbers
You like short description of problems? Me too! Let's go to an easy problem. You are given an array ...
Divisible by 3
You will be given a string containing digits. You have to say the number of sub strings whose sum is...
Demonic Subset
Lets not waste your time with long tiring problem statement and just go straight to the point. You a...
I Am Good
I am trying to become a good guy, because it doesn't take money to become good. So here's a short an...
Counting is Difficult 2
East West University Computer Programming Club (EWUCoPC) is arranging an Intra-University Programmin...
Gutibaji on Chessboard
Let there be a chessboard of size N×M, and only one bishop in a cell (x,y). How many cells can the b...
Hasinur's Mission!
Let me tell you something about Hasinur: He is a religious person. He prays 5 times a day. He loves...
Bad Boy Ekhlas
Ekhlas is a bad boy, not the type of bad that you generally admire. When he was little, his primary ...
Bi-Element Subsequence
You are participating in a game show. In the final round, the host pulls up a large sequence of posi...
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