Sofdor Ali's Restaurant
One of Sofdor Ali’s greatest accomplishment was his Biriyani restaurant! Unlike the traditional rest...
Counting is Difficult 2
East West University Computer Programming Club (EWUCoPC) is arranging an Intra-University Programmin...
Recursive Function
A common example of recursion goes something like this: long long recur(int x){ if (x==0){ return X0...
There is a house named Larcana. It is a very weird house. There are exactly N rooms in total and bet...
Playing With Aladdin
Aladdin is a fictional character and the titular protagonist of Walt Disney Pictures' 31st animated ...
You have a suitcase with length X, width Y and height Z. You also have a very comfortable blanket. I...
Challenge From Mr. Professor
One Day Mr. Professor was taking His schedule class on Discrete Mathematics. In this lecture, He was...
Building Boundaries
Maarja wants to buy a rectangular piece of land and then construct three buildings on that land. The...
Khataraina is Back!
Last year we helped Adnan with his girlfriend Khataraina’s issue. This year she caused another troub...
This Is Too Hard ☹
Many many years ago there was a small country. And all the people there were very weird. They liked ...
Circle of Death
Abir is a school going boy, who loves math. Also, he loves to play with stones. Recently he invented...
The Mughal Emperor
You all must’ve heard the name of the emperor Humayun Mirza. He was a very kind human being. But thi...
Easy Factorial?
It is time to show your performance on number theory. Why so late? Come to the point. You are given...
Subset of Sequences
You will be given a set of sequences. Each sequence is a list of numbers. Two sequences are K-simila...
Bi-Element Subsequence
You are participating in a game show. In the final round, the host pulls up a large sequence of posi...
Poltu and Trailing Zero
Poltu gives a problem to his friend Boltu. The description is given below: You are given an integer ...
Tom Is a Good Mentor
Today is the first day of the little mouse Jerry at school. Famous mathematician Tom is his teacher....
How Many Pairs of LCM?
A Common Multiple of two integers a and b is an integer X, such that both a and b divides X. A numbe...
Divide Candy Again
There are N boxes with candies numbered from 1 to N. The number of candies in the boxes numbered 1 t...
Kotlin Heroes
The International Collegiate Programming Contest is an algorithmic programming contest for college s...
GCD, Divisor, Count!
I like short statements and you should too so here's the statement without further ado You are give...
A GRE Themed Contest Problem
Sadman and Najkin were solving a GRE math problem, Rejbah another friend of theirs listened to that ...
Ant Query
Scientists from the planet Krypton have figured out a way to grow artificial sugar in space. They ha...
China is one of the strongest countries in the world in the sense of economy and military technology...
Palindromic CSEmpur
Welcome to CSEmpur once again! It has been observed that a good number of inhabitants like palindrom...
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